I present you proof that there's no afterlife and this is the only life you got


Sep 28, 2013
> a study on 4% of people having near death experiences


> another study on people who had heart attacks were in death like coma without a working heart and most of them didn't have near death experiences, almost all of them turned to the bitter rationalist I am right now


> there is the option that near death experiences are just hormonally induced accidental lucid dreams

http://lnco.epfl.ch/files/content/s...ind-out of body and near death experience.pdf

> or just rare hallucinations induced by oxygen depravation


> and in some case it's just people looking for attention


> there is an experiment in which scientist induced near death experiences in living people using a magnetic beam


this is the only life you got and most of it is within your power to change
i'm no believer myself.


proving that near death experiences are just a physiological glitch doesn't prove that nothing happens once people die. religion is based on faith, not evidence. your 'proof' is neither proof nor relevant.
I don't care.

The Universe existed just fine without me for over 13 billion years. It will be just fine when I'm gone.
i'm no believer myself.


proving that near death experiences are just a physiological glitch doesn't prove that nothing happens once people die. religion is based on faith, not evidence. your 'proof' is neither proof nor relevant.

what is proof and what is relevant?
Who cares when its your turn to go, they keep telling us its a better world on the other side. I want to know where all the vested virgins come from?
i'm no believer myself.


proving that near death experiences are just a physiological glitch doesn't prove that nothing happens once people die. religion is based on faith, not evidence. your 'proof' is neither proof nor relevant.

Out of all the religions, I want the one that gives you access to having lots of sex in the afterlife. Let me know which one I should sign up for.
I'm shooting for the place with streets of gold and a crystal sea. It helps me live the life I want to live even though I am far from perfect at it, and I figure if I'm wrong they can just plant me in the dirt and maybe I can fertilize a tree.
yes, some research is founded by companies to prove their products to be good

there was a time when Dr's denied that smoking causes cancer

You then see how easily it is for, to paraphrase, some research into religious matters has been entered into with the foregone conclusion that religion is good. It can clearly be seen that the researchers want to make a proof of the probably unprovable.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.;)
If you wish to believe the studies, then your faith is unshaken and this is of great comfort.

Long live great comfort. May Southern Comfort enjoy an even longer run...

It would beat manna, honey and milk in the afterlife.
The last thing I need to see before watching football is some lip syncing bubble head prancing around while huge images of Peyton appear in the background.

Just play ball.
If you had watched any of Thursday Night's game, you would have been begging for the bleach-blonde bobble head bellowing bubbling ballads...

faith = no proof

I agree, but I also have to admit my own thoughts are that some of the science that comes out requires more faith than mine. Just looking at the human body, the complexites of it, to think that it all came about by some explosion of matter. I just don't buy it. I am not against science as some people think.

I am also curious about what science thinks about the human conscience. Some refer to it as the soul, which makes us different than other species. How can that essence, which cannot be seen in particles of matter, exist?

The fact is that no one was there when it all began. We won't have the full answers in this life. At some point you have to choose what you believe. I'm just glad everyone has the choice, and I think no less of someone who chooses to live this life different than I do. I find it all fascinating.
I agree, but I also have to admit my own thoughts are that some of the science that comes out requires more faith than mine. Just looking at the human body, the complexites of it, to think that it all came about by some explosion of matter. I just don't buy it. I am not against science as some people think.

I am also curious about what science thinks about the human conscience. Some refer to it as the soul, which makes us different than other species. How can that essence, which cannot be seen in particles of matter, exist?

The fact is that no one was there when it all began. We won't have the full answers in this life. At some point you have to choose what you believe. I'm just glad everyone has the choice, and I think no less of someone who chooses to live this life different than I do. I find it all fascinating.

Chaos theory says that it has to happen.

;) ;)

If I study the history of the chain of complexity and realize that I see time as the dying spark of a firework, then I can easily see that while wonderful in its complexity, it did not need a creator.

It is fascinating and as an Atheist, I have no problem with the religious.

As I have said before:

When confronted by government and the brutality of man empowered, were there no God, someone would invent one out of necessity if only to render the illusion of hope, even if in the next life.
A_J, the Atheist
We rarely get the whole story in one sitting. Newton was amazing and his findings still dictate how we view much of our world. Einstein showed up that those rules did not apply on very small models.

Life from a bang? We are missing much more than we have. You might think there is enough there to form an opinion. Maybe you don't. Some have the additional pressure of fitting new findings into religious beliefs. I do not. The universe is expanding. The created in one day thought is tough to defend.