I nominate Woodgie


Nov 5, 2000
...as having some of the most adorable/sexy/welcoming avatars I've seen on this site in a verrrrry long time! :D

(Definitely another good one, W!)


Just had to say that.

*backs away before pixie thinks I'm hittin' on her man...*
red_rose said:
...as having some of the most adorable/sexy/welcoming avatars I've seen on this site in a verrrrry long time! :D

(Definitely another good one, W!)


Just had to say that.

*backs away before pixie thinks I'm hittin' on her man...*


(But secretly :devil: )

Thank you :kiss:
Ya velcome! :D

I figured I could either PM you everytime I liked your AV... or I could just start a thread announcing my consistent woodgie-av-liking. lol
Agreed, I like the AV's quite a bit too.
She must be one very talented photographer :D

Yeah, so maybe my liking them has something to do with the model...Lucky photographer...
MaximusPhalicus said:
Admitting the problem is always the first step to the cure. ;)
Ummm...I guess it's a good thing I never admitted to liking your AV's?

Your current one is just dreamy *swoon*

red_rose said:
...as having some of the most adorable/sexy/welcoming avatars I've seen on this site in a verrrrry long time! :D

You are reading my mind. I've thought the very same thing.

woodgie2 said:
How about this one?



You sitting and waiting for the mail?
I have it on the best authority it'll be a sweet little package :)
I agree this is most appealing

So inviting

This is probably my favourite of them all
I think this is quite cool. Thanks people. I'm sort of embarrassed but not. OK enough explainations. I think I should tip my hat to the photographer. She's my best friend and can make me look good (gods alone know how) no matter what :D

OK, how about this one for sillyness sakes?

OK, I just realised you can't tell that I'm horizontally above the photographer, feet on the stairs and hands on a wall. It looks more convincing at full size :)
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Poor KittyKat....
The torture never ends...
actually I forgot he hated the C word lol

oopss but still LOL it gives me the urge to just tickle your tummy :p
Pixie Mischief said:
actually I forgot he hated the C word lol

oopss but still LOL it gives me the urge to just tickle your tummy :p

You'll have competition there. :D