I need your support!


Literotica Guru
Jul 11, 2002
Hello folks,
Good Ole Uncle Tim needs your support! So here is what's up. I have posted a thread on the Literotica site in their general message forum. It is entited "Looking for a site Moderator." and I need all of you Chyoo members to go over there and show your support. Here is a link to the thread and the thread itself. On the thread is a poll, the question is: Do you support www.chyoo.com? I need everybody to go over and vote yes!

Looking for a site Moderator - Literotica Message Board.

The thread itself...

my name is Tim and I am a devoted member of Literotica's sister site www.chyoo.com. Most of you will not know what Chyoo is, so I will tell you. Chyoo stands for CHoose YOur Own story. Each story consists of threads, mainly averaging from 300 - 500 words. First there is the introduction thread and it builds the basis of the story then at the end of it there will be a continuing question and a set of options. The stories are interactive which means the reader chooses the path they wish to follow, or they can create their own path by writing a thread and submitting it to the stories editor. The editor will approve or reject the thread. If it is approved it will apear in the story as an option for you and others to follow on.

I have written 150 threads and am the editor of two stories. To become an editor you simply have to create a story and have it approved by the site moderators. Chyoo is a great site and it is free. Our number of members isn't as high as here but we are a high little community. Through our discussion boards we help each other out with our stories and such.

This leads me to the reason I am writing this. I have been a member of the Chyoo site since July 2002 and in the message forums I've posted over 100 posts. There is a forum for site feed back. It was created for the members to post their thoughts and tell the moderators what wasn't working and what needs to be fixed. As well as other sugestions to make the site better. Over the many months I've noticed a lot of common errors and have posted in the feedback forum as many other members have. There are general problems with the site that make it extremely fraustrating at times. I have saw new members just give up because of the complexities caused by the problems.

I have come to Literotica looking for the site Moderators. Since July 2002 I have never saw any type of feedback from the moderators and the members of Chyoo are becoming disapointed. We have expressed our opinions and feedback many times and never recieved any word from the moderators. Manu is the main moderator of the site according the the website. We would like to know if our posts are being read by the person in control of it. And if anything is being changed. We only want a little feedback. I think I speak for most the the members.

On the Chyoo site I am going to post this message for the members there to read. Also, I am going to encourage them to come to the Literotica message board and post their support for this.

In conclusion, we enjoy Chyoo and would like to help to make the site better. We only need an ear to listen to our voices.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)


I want to see some support! And one last note. I just checked and since I viewed the post in Lit somebody has voted on the poll. The question is, Do you support Chyoo.com. The options are, (Yes), (No) and (What is CHyoo?) the person voted what is chyoo. We will become known! Our voices will be heard! All of the people who are fedup with the lack of a site Moderator, get to the link above and help!

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
hello. well i just now got to come over and look around.. have wonderd for about a week now what chyoo is.. and can not wait to see it in action. just wanted to let you know...

I did my part!

I voted!!!

Current count!

Yes = 12
No = 2
What? = 5

I also added my little quip... please feel free to go back and read through all the various comments...




keep this thread at the top of the list!