I Need New Lingerie

Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
Anyone wanna buy me a late bday present or three?


I would. But, I'd want something in return, and that just wouldn't be right.
I"m jus tpretending they actually have this one in my size. I'm sure it wouldn't be as cute though.


Lavy I'll check it out.

LMM... ya never know.

cg... publish a list of demands and we'll talk.
Your other half wouldnt let me surface if I ever did (anyway, I'm out of money)
Tease shmease

you knew where I slept.

I do want to return someday again.

(Especially now that horse is gone)
I'm beginning to love stockings. Too bad I don't get much of an opportunity to wear them.

pagancowgirl said:
I'm beginning to love stockings. Too bad I don't get much of an opportunity to wear them.


Come up this way, you can wear them all the time
If I buy something for you
You have to come to Washington to model it for me..
LordMagicMan said:

Come up this way, you can wear them all the time

I could wear them all the time here too... but it gets me nothin.

Freakydeak... did I say it was ok for you to flirt with me??? Please do it more often.
Jim_Henson said:
Tease shmease

you knew where I slept.

I do want to return someday again.

(Especially now that horse is gone)

She's not gone, she's just sold. I'm delivering her to SaucyWench sometime in October.
PCG - I want to see you during the Golden Hour, in a grassy field, wearing only cowboy boots baby.
pagancowgirl said:

I could wear them all the time here too... but it gets me nothin.

Freakydeak... did I say it was ok for you to flirt with me??? Please do it more often.

wearing them here would get you a lot.. ;)
pagancowgirl said:

I could wear them all the time here too... but it gets me nothin.

Freakydeak... did I say it was ok for you to flirt with me??? Please do it more often.

But here it would get you something ;)
MorgaineLaFay said:
PCG - I want to see you during the Golden Hour, in a grassy field, wearing only cowboy boots baby.

LOL... no, you don't. Trust me.

Hey Chef! Yeah, you with the hair. Shaddup! Saucy happens to love the horse, and if she doesn't buy her, I'm screwed in a most unpleasant way.

Freaks and LMM... I want details.