I need a "volunteer" editor! (fem)


Apr 15, 2002
Hi ladies,

Hope this is in the right forum!

I am writing a story for my lady, but want some genuine help in making sure it is perfect for her, whilst still being from me....if you know what I mean?!

Anyone with strong editing skills, English teachers etc, please reply here, or PM me?

I appreciate that a guy could probably edit it just as well, but I am writing it specifically for a woman, and thus want that same specific point of view in the editing......

The story contains nothing overly offensive, (as yet *S*), anyone reading these boards at all will find nothing to blanch at, I am not trying to write a opus, just a novella tailored for her.

Hoping to get some helpful responses!
pretty_lil_stranger said:
You must have opened the wrong door in the hall....


Wrong forum?

Appologies if so, "general" seemed to cover it *S*

If that's also an offer, please let me know.....


Have a great day!
pretty_lil_stranger said:
You must have opened the wrong door in the hall....

BTW, I have just been reading some of your stories and have bookmarked the page to share with Akasha later..... Very erotic.