I need a new fucking alarm clock


Sep 13, 2001
I made sure my alarm clock was set for the correct time (I made the mistake Monday night of putting it on for 5 pm instead of 5 am) and it didn't go off. I jsut woke up.

I'm not even bothering to go into work today.
Rubyfruit said:
It's better to stay home anyway. :)
For my health, yes. For the fact that my supervisor is there today, no.
Good thing she likes me. I'll probably get yelled at next week when she's there.
lilminx said:
I made sure my alarm clock was set for the correct time (I made the mistake Monday night of putting it on for 5 pm instead of 5 am) and it didn't go off. I jsut woke up.
Ahhh, the a.m./p.m. always a killer...along with seperate volume knob

well, good to have ya here thou :)
Yeah, but I did that Monday night. I ensured lastnight that that wouldn't happen again, and then the damn thing never went off! It was set and everything.

Oh well- I had a good workout at the gym and now I guess I'll take care of stuff that I've been putting off. I need a shower first though.