I might get

um, me... but I've never done anything on a webcam with a guy before. Be gentle?!?!?!
HeavyStick said:
naked on yahoo later.

Who else has a webcam?

I do, but it's broken because I dropped it. Can I still watch? PLEEAASSEE???????? :D
Rubyfruit said:
How much do you charge and what type of payment arrangements can be made?

How much you think we can make doing our lesbian sex act, anyway? *grin*

Of course, we'll make HeavyStick pay, right?

(oh and to answer the question, sorry, no webcam here.)
Rubyfruit said:
It's a red dildo, Miss Lexiepie. *muah*

We'll get rich, Nora, rich I tell ya! *cough*

Red dildo AKA Ruby fruit?

Just a guess....

I liked that one, Ruby!