I love Pyper, she's the shiznit!

I dunno, I picked up shiznit from Spinaroonie.

Umm, I didn't mean that literally.
I get her confused with pipercat...

Nice av though..
Shaq said:
I get her confused with pipercat...

Nice av though..

Goddamnit, I was here way before pipercatt, that name-stealing bitch! (Um, no offense, pipercatt! :D)

And I think shiznit is an American linguistic corruption of "shit", if you want to get all technical about it.
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All you gotta do is write 100 words on the meaning of shiznit and why Pyper is the shiznit

It's that easy :)
Re: Re: I love Pyper, she's the shiznit!

LukkyKnight said:
Spelling buddy says, "abbastanza sessuale corrompere Il Papa"

What do you want to do with the Pope?! :eek:
Me, Pyper? I'd just raid his wine cellar, probably, I figure he keeps the gold in some safe.
LukkyKnight said:
Me, Pyper? I'd just raid his wine cellar, probably, I figure he keeps the gold in some safe.

All this time you thought I was a guy? LOL

Do you think I'm more of the shiznit now that I'm a girl?
I've always assumed you were female, truth be told. Where does it say you're a guy? Somebody buy me a vowel.
LukkyKnight said:
Me, Pyper? I'd just raid his wine cellar, probably, I figure he keeps the gold in some safe.

Who's he?

Lukky, I feel our communication starting to break down! Maybe we should start speaking Spanish again.
Pyper said:
Who's he?

Lukky, I feel our communication starting to break down! Maybe we should start speaking Spanish again.
Who he? THE POPE. Didn't you ask about the Pope, Pyper? Isn't he still male?
La Shiznita, formerly known as Pyper

MissTaken said:
Is it too late to just say tht Pyper rocks?
Anybody who is statutorily prohibited from changing their avatar must be doing something right.
LukkyKnight said:
Puente para la venta, barato, al altavoz español solamente.

I'll be sure to tell my loudspeakers about this offer. ;)

And it's never too late to say Pyper rocks, honey. :)
MissTaken said:
Is it too late to just say tht Pyper rocks?


*looks at clock*

You've got a couple more minutes so do it quick...