I love my ignore option...

I promise to be good....please don't put me on ignore missus` :)
*bratcat* said:
Not you...your smile is too cute and you look good in chainlink. :)

Lol.....my computer has been down and I've lost my chainlink shot.....sob :(
*bratcat* said:
Yeppers, baby. How was your weekend??

HeavyStick, m'dear...you are two posts behind now. :p

I love your flower.

Twas long. December will be very busy for me. But that means tons of shifts & $$$ :D

How was your weekend?
*bratcat* said:
I honestly don't think it has ever gotten as much use as it has lately. I use it liberally and without restraint. Each new name that I add gives me a little gush of power. Almost like a mini orgasm. Yummm...looking for my next victim.

...I want to be your victim...but not for the ignore feature...;)

...Oh..and it's a shame about the not having an orgasm...:(
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What did ya say, *bratcat*?


Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(She can't read this anyway. I finally made a list...lol)
I ignore my love option...

I honestly don't think it has ever gotten much use. I'd use it on liberals wearing restraints.
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*bratcat* said:
I honestly don't think it has ever gotten as much use as it has lately. I use it liberally and without restraint. Each new name that I add gives me a little gush of power. Almost like a mini orgasm. Yummm...looking for my next victim.

I don't even have an ignore button...:(