I loave Cristemast.


Really Experienced
Feb 4, 2002
Alt he pritty litesa nd coalers adnt he stoarysadn sittink on oald mens lapps, witch I do ani othertime aniway, butt I half an excuce on Cristeamast. :)

Waht doy ou licka bout Chistemaest. :)
Minkey Boodle said:
I particularly like all the free crack cocaine that I get in my stocking.

It's time to stop sharing it with the starter of this thread.
oooo I like all the pretty lites too. And the white snow covering the green trees is also very pretty.

Stay off the old mens laps RB.
Pyper said:
It's time to stop sharing it with the starter of this thread.

Byuat I lick Coke! I'ts refaeashing! I lick tehc oak baearsa nd the naet coak botles teh yhalfo ut... :)
cybergirly1989 said:
oooo I like all the pretty lites too. And the white snow covering the green trees is also very pretty.

Stay off the old mens laps RB.

Me two! :)

Baut I licko oldmans. :(
cybergirly1989 said:
Stick with the little ponies. It's better for ya.

oooo and what about the pretty ornaments on the trees?

Y3eah! abnd teha babee fiagereens yuopleace understhecristemast teare!!! Iets so claowse now, can yuofela the ekssitemaent?!? I"m aso haoppy!

RB is of age in body.. but not in mind ;)

A flaower for BlessedBe :rose:
and a kiss for RainbowBright :kiss:

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