I like trippin' >:-) Do you? LSD25

Jeremy Dare

Sep 29, 2002
Well all, I will probably get my ass chewed at the very least, possibly even excommunicated for this, but I am using this thread for people who like LSD and other hallucinigenics to communicate with eachother. No, I do not consider myself a fucking druggy. I am just your above average 21 year old white male who loves to trip. I am finding it harder and harder to meet fellow trippers and find acid. So, If you live in California and are looking to get rid of a shit load of Acid, contact me through email or pm me.


<center><img src="http://www.geocities.com/j_dare18/jeremy.jpg">
Hmmm.... Point Taken my friend. However, I am not an officer, but I suppose I really have no way to prove that to anyone other than myself. Doesn't change the fact that I am looking for trips though...
*smile* Drug use...


I wandered past this thread on a search. I find the "American" attitude as a whole to drug use is very arcane. If you want to find people who are more open to drug use as a whole have a look at Europe. I find the ability to be able to have what I want when I want it in places like Holland or elsewhere wonderful. I prefer more natural highs (non man made drugs) but understand as my first experience with hallucinogenics was very enlightening.

Anyway just my 2 pence. I would hope one day you wander over to this side of the pond and have a look at some of the more open attitudes we have here.

Hope this finds you well,


Looks like it is time to take a trip to the U.K. :) No pun intended... Well maybe a little. Thanks for your comment. People in the states are not very openminded as a general rule.
Everytime I go trippin'...............

..............I fall flat on my face, break my chin, or bruise my nose...nope..no trippin' for me! :D
I don't know if that icon is the face of a tripping person, but how is the white perf these days?

njwino said:
I don't know if that icon is the face of a tripping person, but how is the white perf these days?

what's a "white perf"?