I like my cock

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
After years spent with it I've decided its a helluva friend. been good to me so i plan to spoil him.

I :heart: my cock!
I couldn't be more pleased for you. No, really, I couldn't.

Why don't you buy it a nice present?
modest mouse said:
After years spent with it I've decided its a helluva friend. been good to me so i plan to spoil him.

I :heart: my cock!

I feel exactly the same about my pussy! She's is such a great pal! Gives me much pleasure, she does! Ahhh! :rose:
modest mouse said:
I was thinking more along the lines of a $2.99 bottle of lotion.
Well it is a lot cheaper and less to likely to get you thrown in jail.;)
I really think your cock would prefer the hooker, but what do I know, I really don't know your cock. I have however met plenty of other cocks and on the whole I think given the choice between lotion and hooker, they'd go for hooker.
You a few dollars more you could give it all nu skin!

foxinsox said:
After years of intensive research, I've come to the conclusion that cocks are over rated.
I think you owe yourself at least one more experiment. :D
I like your cock too, Mouse. Did I ever thank you for loaning it to me that time? Much appreciated.