I know it's been a while...


Jul 17, 2001
... and that I havn't checked in much lately, but right now, I just need to explode.

At the moment, I am under a lot of stress, finals are comming up, I'm trying to organize about fifty activities at once, while looking for a job. My entire world is crashing down around me. Then, this morning, my mother wakes me up. She's having sharp pains in her back, and heat, muscle relaxants, you name it, are not helping her. So, being the good kid that I am, wake up my step-dad to drive my mother and I to the local hospital. Once at the hospital, my mother adds one more complaint to how she was feeling, she started having chest pains. At 7:12 am my mother was diagnosed with having her first heart attack. I panic, not knowing what really to do and start calling everyone in my phone. Relitives start comming to the hospital. Mom is medlifted to a hopital in Boston. Step-dad, my self, aunt, and aunt's boyfriend pile into my aunt's car and drive to the new hospital. It's 11 am by the time we get to the hospital. Three of the longest hours in my life pass as they clear the block at the bottom of my mother's heart. Two hours later I gain the nerve to enter the ICU room to see her. Tubes and wires running every witch way in and out of my mother's 42 year old body. I couldn't stay in the room for long before I was in the hall or waiting room bawling my eyes out.

It's twelve hours from when they discovered my mother's heart attack, and I've spent time baking, cleaning, doing home work, and basically loseing my mind. I don't know what to do anymore...
patient1 said:
I'm happy to see you back, but sorry for the circumstances.:) :(

Maybe next time it's won't take support to get my butt back on the boards.
Basia said:
It's twelve hours from when they discovered my mother's heart attack, and I've spent time baking, cleaning, doing home work, and basically loseing my mind. I don't know what to do anymore...
You've done it; you told somebody. Take a deep breath and let it out - your mother is in good hands and she will recover and life will get back to normal. Until then, my prayers are with you and your family. :rose:
basia, my thoughts are with you. I wish I could airlift you some energy.

hang in there, kiddo.
all the best basia

what can you do? You can't control your mother's health. You can do things to show you love her.

All the very best to you!


the Drake
What a day. It sounds like you've done an enormous amount already. No advice, just wanted to offer a smile. :)
Thanks everyone.

If the hospital will let be bring her any sweets, I'm going to bring her a batch of brownies, if not, I'll make some for when she gets discharged. Other than that, after classes every day I'll make the hike out to see her untill the hospital kicks me out.

Thanks again for you well wishes, every thought counts.
Basia said:
Maybe next time it's won't take support to get my butt back on the boards.

Don't worry. That's what a 24 hour community is for. Have you tried caressing a cat?
patient1 said:
Don't worry. That's what a 24 hour community is for. Have you tried caressing a cat?

Actucally, yes. I have both of my tubby kitties in my lap, begging attention. :) It's a good pick-me-up after the day from hell.
Well, at least you won't be working you-know-where Black Friday.

Of course if you dropped by then they might hire you back on the spot....;)
Basia...it was good to see you here. Keep us posted on how she is doing and how school goes. :)
Quick little update before I run off to class. Mom's doing great, they've moved her from the ICU to a regular room, and she should be out of the hospital by tonight. I'm not entirerly sure how much dammage the attack did on her, but it can't be that much if their letting her home tonight.


so glad to see you mom is improving.

from what i have rea in yur posts, i think you should be commended for doing such a great job of getting your mom to the hospital as soon as possible, and then having the presence of mind to make the phone calls to family.
that is a lot of stress for you to be going through and you held up well. with all that has happened, dont forget that you also need to take care of YOU. make sure to eat properly and get some rest. you dont want to be hospitalized for exhaustion or something!

Basia... so many people would not have had the sense to take her to the hospital. You did great.

It is always hard to deal with the aftermath of a heart attack. You have already shown you can hold up in an emergency.

If you need anything or even just to talk, you know I am just a hop down the highway. Drop me a PM and I'll give you my number.

As for the Toy Store from Hell .... both my and my hunny quit. It's a toy store for fucks sake. It should have been a fun place to work.

Not so. We hated it. So we bailed.

Hugs and smoochies to you. And best wishes to your mom.

Re: Basia

batter said:
with all that has happened, dont forget that you also need to take care of YOU. make sure to eat properly and get some rest. you dont want to be hospitalized for exhaustion or something!

You forget, I'm in college. There is no such thing as eating right or... rest? That is such a forgin idea to me...

Thank you so much for your consern though. :D
Hope your mom is recovering, and you are calming down from a stressful day. :heart: :kiss: