I know I'm POPular! Thanx to MArxist!

THAT evil Fawktard! How dare you mention our two names in the same sentence.

If you call me RawHumor, I'll have Hanns track you down and put the 'ol Kibosh on you old man!
]ooooo(chained) said:
THAT evil Fawktard! How dare you mention our two names in the same sentence.

If you call me RawHumor, I'll have Hanns track you down and put the 'ol Kibosh on you old man!

You should post more as Raw and less as Hanns. Raw was funnier.
]ooooo(chained) said:
Stormy, PM me with the password for RawHumor please.

I forgot it after I gave it to you...

That wasn't me, it was p_p_ dude
p_p_ rep_ortedly p_assed it on to bluesp_oke, who lent it to gord, who left it where you were sup_p_osed to be making you p_ickup as to your next p_resentation before the NHRE...