I just love the men of Lit.

It's required. We all have to take Diversity Training once a year - federal regulations and all. I know its made me a log more sensitive to all the gays and dykes and other perverts.
Dillinger said:
It's required. We all have to take Diversity Training once a year - federal regulations and all. I know its made me a log more sensitive to all the gays and dykes and other perverts.

log? Your freudian slip is showing again. :D
calypso_21 said:
Perky I just can't find a reason to disagree with you!! :D

Even I haven't swayed you otherwise? I must be losing my touch.
Dillinger said:
It's required. We all have to take Diversity Training once a year - federal regulations and all. I know its made me a log more sensitive to all the gays and dykes and other perverts.

It was those Federal regs that kept me from being able to join last year.Seems Lit had one of my type already.
MaximusPhalicus said:

dammitt... just when I was touched by your original statement the TRUTH comes out....
sugah, those were my lips, not my words... nevermind.
MaximusPhalicus said:

ahem.... perhaps we should look up "truth" in the code book......

truth? you can't handle the truth.

damn, I stole that. But it's good!
All that talent and initiative squandered on a piece of fruit? I knew I shoulda stayed in bed.