I just heard! Literotica is closing down! And other crap that ain't gonna happen!

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
The Libertarians win in 2004!
ABC and CBS and NBC agree to put quality over dollars!
Smoking cures the Flu!
Tom Cruise and Whitney Houston marry, and insist they're not gay!
China tells Taiwan, "Okay, fine, you're a country."!
It must be true,I'm reading it on the Internet and DCL is one of the "In" people part of the much fabled "Lit-Clique"

I'm getting my tin foil hat right this instant.
DCL? Does this mean my dreams of making the Olympic synchronized swimming team is out, too?
O'Reilly voted for Hillary.

Saddam belongs to the Bagdad Chapter of B'nai Brith.

Dixiecrat was a political party dedicated to you.
Israel and Pakistan decide that they're really not all that different after all, so they're going to merge together.
The Catholic Church will issue a 400 page apology listing all it's commited attrocities over the last 2,000 years and the names of those responsible.

All world religions will take this as a sign and accept the beliefs of others without condition.

My mother will only call me once a week and twice on my birthday.
Busybody will become rational.

Bush's tax plan will help stimulate the economy.

Gore-Clinton ticket in 2004.
Mince(d) meat pie becomes the new all-American favorite, replacing apple pie.
They come up with a cure for the "Fat Virus" and the whole world get's skinny.

Clinton admited that he had Sex..... with his wife.
A massive typo in Washington enables George Clinton to run for the presidency in 2004. The campaign slogan "One nation under a groove" sweeps the planet, placing all nations under a funkadelic haze of peace.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Improved Tofu outsells hamburger.

Mad soy disease runs rampant through legume farms everywhere.
tyme said:
ohh yes and did you know that kyles mom is a big fat bitch?

Sucking up will get you nowhere. Well, okay, it might get you somewhere.
no really I have that song look at the tread about what you are jamming to see what I have been putting. have the mp3. I think I have a few other southpark songs too.

and I am not sucking up fat ass! lol

I suck dick but never to I have to suck up.

The Literotica Apocalypse will be upon us when miles can get rid of those "red X's".