I just finished off...


Super Fan
Oct 14, 2001
... The first season of the Sopranos. I am so hooked. I just got season two from my friend. I am going to start that one sometime tomarrow. Please no spoilers. Geeze I dont even know what I have been missing! This show kicks ass.

I watched a whole season in one week, give me a month and I will be all caught up.

No cable and no time...but I'd probably like the Sopranos...Godfather is still King though....
the first season was awesome.

the second season wasn't....but..you have to see it so you'll know what to expect in season three.

man you are askin for trouble with the no spoilers request. Ill honor it..for now.
amelia said:
the first season was awesome.

the second season wasn't....but..you have to see it so you'll know what to expect in season three.


well thanks, here I am expecting this great thing, but hey maybe I will feel differently. My friend (who happens to be named amy). Says the end of the second season is the best. So hopefully it is just a matter of opinion.

Hey Cutie;)

Quoting Shaq No cable and no time...but I'd probably like the Sopranos...Godfather is still King though....

I like to refer to the Sopranos as "the Godfather of TV"
I LOVED the Sopranos, but shortly after the first season I didn't have cable so I couldn't watch. I'm trying to watch it again though. Very Very good show.
well then just come over and watch the second season with me!