I hope everyone is feeling okay......

Wat still is angling to outlive the lot of you, and what with his In with Allah, the odds are outstanding.
I don't have much faith in flu shots. I got the covid-19 shot when it was first introduced but haven't gone back for boosters. In the last 3 years I've been sick once. I think a healthy immune system is far more effective.
I don't have much faith in flu shots. I got the covid-19 shot when it was first introduced but haven't gone back for boosters. In the last 3 years I've been sick once. I think a healthy immune system is far more effective.
Unfortunately not everyone has one of those… and stats show unfortunately that healthy people also suffered illness, long covid and even instances of death ☹️
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It's certainly going to be interesting to see the stats and the studies. And the "is the cure worse than the disease" studies
So is this where you start to recycle some Wakefield- style bs? Feared as much
And the great thing about vaccines is they’re preventative - thus no cure needed for any but the tiniest proportion
Yeah? Healthy immune system is the answer? Shall we just tell everyone who isn’t fortunate enough to have one of those to just go get one…?
Besides, stats show unfortunately that healthy people also suffered illness, long covid and even instances of death ☹️
I think each person should decide for themselves if they need to get a flu shot. The shot didn't prevent people from getting sick. And I'm not saying that people with weak immune systems shouldn't do everything they can to ensure good health.
I think each person should decide for themselves if they need to get a flu shot. The shot didn't prevent people from getting sick. And I'm not saying that people with weak immune systems shouldn't do everything they can to ensure good health.
It absolutely did prevent many people getting sick - think of the amount of covid sickness at its peak, compared to months after the vaccine rollout
But yes, absolutely agree those with weaker immune systems should
Though remember some - eg those with certain allergies - who can’t get the vaccine; so vaccines help protect everyone even if you don’t need it
Never got even one of those jabs. Had Covid once and that's it.
Had it 3 times despite getting one of the very early "vaccines" thru work when they first came out, which made no difference, I got it anyhow. 3rd time I barely noticed - if it hadn't been the positive test, I'd have thought it was a mild sniffle and I sure didn't bother with any further shots after getting the 1st one and then getting covid anyhow. LOL.

Anyhow, as has been rather demonstrated, a vaccine it ain't and as for repeat shots, forget it. I'm not bothering with something that's not particularly effective and has unknown side effects. Altho the side effects are becoming better known. If people want to take it, good luck to them, hope it works for you and I hope you avoid the side effects. Might be worth it if you're older and more susceptible, but who really knows. Thanks to Fauci and the CDC lying, you can't really believe anything they say anymore and THAT rather complicates things.
It absolutely did prevent many people getting sick - think of the amount of covid sickness at its peak, compared to months after the vaccine rollout
But yes, absolutely agree those with weaker immune systems should
Though remember some - eg those with certain allergies - who can’t get the vaccine; so vaccines help protect everyone even if you don’t need it
That dropoff is more likely to have been that after people were exposed, immune resistance built up and the effects became less noticeable. The covid boosters (its not a vaccine) likely helped, altho again, unknown longer term side effects, which we will likely only see in long term studies.....
That dropoff is more likely to have been that after people were exposed, immune resistance built up and the effects became less noticeable. The covid boosters (its not a vaccine) likely helped, altho again, unknown longer term side effects, which we will likely only see in long term studies.....
So firstly - I assume you know that so called herd immunity didn’t happen, vaccines caused the dropoff combined with masks and other measures, (I recommend Yale’s findings here and the 3rd key finding from an Oxford study here as examples on the role of the vaccine).
Secondly, boosters are vaccines. I can explain that if you’re interested, but I sense that’s another attempt to cast doubt about the whole process of protecting people?
Had it 3 times despite getting one of the very early "vaccines" thru work when they first came out, which made no difference, I got it anyhow. 3rd time I barely noticed - if it hadn't been the positive test, I'd have thought it was a mild sniffle and I sure didn't bother with any further shots after getting the 1st one and then getting covid anyhow. LOL.

Anyhow, as has been rather demonstrated, a vaccine it ain't and as for repeat shots, forget it. I'm not bothering with something that's not particularly effective and has unknown side effects. Altho the side effects are becoming better known. If people want to take it, good luck to them, hope it works for you and I hope you avoid the side effects. Might be worth it if you're older and more susceptible, but who really knows. Thanks to Fauci and the CDC lying, you can't really believe anything they say anymore and THAT rather complicates things.
Ah, I love it when you put your ignorance on display!
I coughed once today. I might try some home remedies, like soaking an entire ginger root in a honey jar to make ginger honey for tea. But that would take days or weeks, and I would need a second honey jar. Eating raw garlic is what I can do today.
'Herd immunity' occurs when everyone who is susceptible to a disease has died. Those who are left have herd immunity and it's what everyone had before medicine was invented.

That's why the Native Americans died of that new-fangled (to them) disease of smallpox which didn't worry the Europeans so much. When only a few of the Native American population were still alive, it turned out they had immunity and survived.

If that's your policy for coping with a pandemic, maybe your home-schooling wasn't so great.
The one thing I appreciated during the vaccine mandates was all the pro choice people rising up and reminding the government about crucial issues like "my body, my choice".

The key take from this comment is that someone who seemingly thinks there should be little or no gun control regardless of the serious consequences, and thinks the government mustn’t impinge on that freedom no matter what, also thinks it’s his place to tell a woman what to do with her body, and force her to give birth…
It was never about complete freedom. Was it
Recommending anything, including the vaccines, for treatment or prevention of a cold can be prosecuted as practicing medicine without a license. So I don't recommend anything.
It's certainly going to be interesting to see the stats and the studies. And the "is the cure worse than the disease" studies

No. No it isn’t. You will ignore peer reviewed studies for “doing your own research” so STFU with that and continue on with your misinformation thread. Hopefully, the smarter, kinder, and patriotic among us will take heed to the CDC recommendations.
No. No it isn’t. You will ignore peer reviewed studies for “doing your own research” so STFU with that and continue on with your misinformation thread. Hopefully, the smarter, kinder, and patriotic among us will take heed to the CDC recommendations.

Good luck and all the best....