I :heart: Agent 99

Tossed me over for some kickback from the sixties, I see! What does she have that I don't? Good jokes? Pffft! I have moves you've never seen....

I HEART her too. Can we all share?
Rubyfruit said:
Can we share her, Nora?

Yes, Ma'am. *smiles* Do we time-share or are we gonna just smear her with Burt's Bees products and have at it?

You are deep in the :heart: of me too, my little Nora-la!

Oooh, I :heart: Ruby, too.

and even though I don't know Mr H Stick, he's kind cute too.
And Emoodie :heart: 's you three times! *snickers*

Besides, Agent 99 has all the cool toys. :p
Nora said:
And Emoodie :heart: 's you three times! *snickers*

Besides, Agent 99 has all the cool toys. :p

Still upset that she vanished before we settled on which gadgets I was getting. But, no worries. I found some on the internet. *grins*

Yes, I love her thrice.
Love me two time, babbbbbyyyyyyyy! I'm goin' away...

Ok, I'm not going anywhere, so I'll stay for round 3.