I have traveled back in time!!!


Professional Dufus
Jul 14, 2001
According to my computer's clock, it's January 4th, 1980. Yes! Back to disco and the upcoming onslaught of hair-rocking eighties music.

Of course, enjoying the days of my childhood as an adult now, with knowledge of things to come brings on new possibilities. I can amass a fortune playing the stock market. Get me some shares in Microsoft, GE, Wal-Mart (barring ethical reasons), Amazon, Intel, and dump them before they go sour. Sure, I could start my own and beat them all, but I'd rather let them still do all the work and play off their success. I can make outrageous bets in sports - and maybe send Bill Buckner a line to stay alert in Game 6 of the '86 World Series.

I could also help out my past self. If Robert Zimeckis has taught me anything, it's that finding ones' self in the past with their own past self leads to exciting and amusing conclusions - always for the better. I can get better grades, become smarter and more fit to make myself a babe magnet while still retaining humble qualities.

And the things I could do! Participate in Hands-Around-The-World! Check out my old neghborhood before bigger business forever changed the natural landscape. Check out Games 3-5 of St. Louis vs. Milwaukee in '82.

So many things to do! Ahhh.

(Yeah, I know - it's just my clock battery that went kaput. It's still funny to me to contemplate it for a moment. I'll just end up getting me a new computer soon enough anyways. I just want to get the minimum system requirements for Doom III first!)
teddybear4play said:
I wasn't even born yet.

I'd tell John Lennon to watch the fuck out.


That reminds of Lennon's last words: "Didn't I give that fucker an autograph earlier today."
Can you tell my mother that she should consume more fruits and things containing citric acid during these next few vital months of her pregnancy? I would like to be a female this time.