I have to confess..


Literotica Guru
Aug 13, 2000
It's true.. I am a beast..

<--- this is the real me

Hanns is right, I couldn't hide it anymore, I figured with it being so close to Halloween and all, now's a good time to come out of the closet. I feel terrible for hiding it from everybody ('cept Hanns that is.. he saw me for what I truly am).. I hope y'all can forgive me, from my warts down to my hairy feet.


You'll have to excuse me now, I bought a bone for breakfast and it's time for me to gnaw on it, and then after that.. I'm going to go chase a few cars. And later today, I'm going in for a pelt grooming.. so I may not be on for a while.


Dammit, Lickerish! Even with spots and fangs you're a hottie. So unfair!

*sigh* And your eyes are sooooooo dreamy!

You dork.. I have them posted in like a hundred different places, it doesn't take a genius to find them out. AND *everybody* here knows I change my av almost weekly where you're bound to find a pic of my face, ass, or tits.

Like you suckered me into anything :rolleyes:

Now, for this retard label.. golly, I guess you called me out on that one again. Damn.
lickerish said:
*looooook eento my eyes Nora*

wanna come back to my cave with me?

Oh G-d yes!! Will you share your bone with me if I get the snarls outta your pelt? *leers*
Ok, if you're gentle.. I'll give more than my bone ;)

Hey RosevilleCAguy.. good thing I like 'em tart.. too sweet and I get cavities in my fangs.
Cool!! I'll bring you a chew toy as a courting gift!
A chew toy? awwwww Nora, you're so sweet to me. Is that a strap-on in your av? Hmmmm?

STG... *chomp* ;)
Nora said:
Dammit, Lickerish! Even with spots and fangs you're a hottie. So unfair!

*sigh* And your eyes are sooooooo dreamy!


Oh c'mon Nora...your Av makes you a hottie too. I doubt if you're a hag so no need to even get jealous!
lickerish said:
A chew toy? awwwww Nora, you're so sweet to me. Is that a strap-on in your av? Hmmmm?

Ooo! Strap-on chew toys! I'm gonna corner the market with this!!
Ok, 45-45 and 10 for RosevilleCA if he agrees to be our test dummy. (wouldn't want you or me to be chewing on something that turns out to be toxic, ya know!).
you gotta deal ;)

Can I get a window office? This is going to be big, BIG I tell ya!
Nora said:
Ok, 45-45 and 10 for RosevilleCA if he agrees to be our test dummy. (wouldn't want you or me to be chewing on something that turns out to be toxic, ya know!).

im know buddies dummi butt myne. 5 persent or i wok.
sweeeet! We'll both have window offices! We should call it um...uh. Licky's Lickable/Chewable Fun Toys?

If they're non-specific we can get away with selling them as "novelties" :rolleyes:
How about "Just aNora (another) fun toy"

Hey I'm not the brains of the outfit.. I'm just the looks *snarrrrl*
Hanns_Schmidt said:

But it seems like you might be worth a tug&squirt

Go fuck yourself Hannsel.

Who is to say lickerish wouldn't want to tug and squirt on you, like she did to me?

I am tellin ya, Her big goblin cock is fantastic in my mouth.