I have psoriasisThe only thin


Jose Jones
Nov 22, 2000
I have psoriasis

Severe psoriasis. Last year at this time I was covered with sores and scales.

There is no cure for psoriasis.

Psoriasis cripples people.

About 3 years ago I was an invincible 36 year old American male. Not without my problems, but certainly with nothing to fear.

Then one day, these things like flea-bites appeared on my legs. I thought it was just a rash.

Then these lumps started up on my scalp.

In about 6 months time I went from a guy who was often complimented by his girlfriends for his enviable clear skin (I never had zitz in high school), to a guy who was covered with these terribly uncomfortable and unsightly sores and scales. It was hell. Worse than the physiological discomfort, was the psychological trauma..

When you have psoriasis, you will go to enormous lengths to conceal it. It's bad enough that it is personally painful, but you have to live with not wanting to disgust other people with the sight of your affliction. So you hide.

And who wants to hold a body covered with scales? If you are lucky, you don't have it on your face or hands and you can cover it up. But what happens if you meet someone and....

It isn't easy to stand naked before people when you have psoriasis (let alone when before you had you it you were a proud and cocky bastard like I am).

It was hell. But, thanks to modern medicine and great insurance I pay only $25 for a drug with a cash price of $375 for a 30 day supply of stuff that keeps me clear like when I grew up. But if I stop taking it, my constant companion comes back. It's like being crippled.

I may not be able to see the psoriasis right now, but it is there. It's always there. There is no cure.

The only thing good I can say about psoriasis is that it will put you in touch with your vanity. One day you are carefree and so very beautiful. The next day.....

Don't ever take your life for granted. Don't ever take your value for granted. I am lucky to have an incurable skin disease. I could have a cancer that is killing me.

peace to all,

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Hi riff. :)

Are you taking Methotrexate for your psoriasis?
I am glad to hear that your skin is clear
and that you have a great attitude about it.
I'm sorry to hear of your pain Riff. My friend suffers from psoriasis, and sadly for her there is no medication that she can take to clear her skin.

I don't know what it is like to suffer from psoriasis, but I do agree with your last statement - 'I am lucky to have an incurable skin disease. I could have a cancer that is killing me.' No matter how bad things seem sometimes there always seems to be someone worse off and we thank our lucky stars that its them and not us...

Oh, and if someone loves you they will love you unconditionally - psoriasis and all. Don't hide who you are.
debbiexxx said:
Hi riff. :)

Are you taking Methotrexate for your psoriasis?
I am glad to hear that your skin is clear
and that you have a great attitude about it.

I take psoritane. It does not have the dangers of methotrexate.
I had it for about 10 years. Bad at times. It just went away one day, it's been 12 years since I've had any real trace of it, other than dry elbows. But there's no scaling or redness. It sucks to have this, I know how you feel.

I'm glad you found something to control it.
Bindii said:
I'm sorry to hear of your pain Riff. My friend suffers from psoriasis, and sadly for her there is no medication that she can take to clear her skin.

I don't know what it is like to suffer from psoriasis, but I do agree with your last statement - 'I am lucky to have an incurable skin disease. I could have a cancer that is killing me.' No matter how bad things seem sometimes there always seems to be someone worse off and we thank our lucky stars that its them and not us...

Oh, and if someone loves you they will love you unconditionally - psoriasis and all. Don't hide who you are.

I have read that psoriasis is more common in women than in men.

I don't know if your friend has tried soriatane or methotrexate. They are pills you take. I went through all of that ointment and lotions (not to mention many over the counter snake-oils) but mine has never responded to much other than systemic medications.

So far as I see it, I am a flake waiting to happen. :)

Humor helps. I went through 2 years of misery, embarrassment, and self-loathing. If you will PM me her e-mail address, I will happily write to her. It's an incredibly lonely affliction.
I'msorry to hear that, Riff. At least you have it under control.

*wondering now if the dry, red, itchy spot on my ring finger is psoriasis*
lilminx said:
I'msorry to hear that, Riff. At least you have it under control.

*wondering now if the dry, red, itchy spot on my ring finger is psoriasis*

I read a joke about a pretty young thing who went to a dermatologist. She was about 5% covered. He showed he a picture of someone with about 70% coverage and told her she had psoriasis.

You got to laugh sometimes. :)
riff, have you tried oregano oil? It seems to be a bit of a cure all - kind of like Windex or WD 40.:D Really riff, I would do a test with oregano oil. I'd also do a test with the oil that you can press from apricot seeds. I haven't seen the blemish that the apricot oil can't deal with. :cool:
erosman said:
riff, have you tried oregano oil? It seems to be a bit of a cure all - kind of like Windex or WD 40.:D Really riff, I would do a test with oregano oil. I'd also do a test with the oil that you can press from apricot seeds. I haven't seen the blemish that the apricot oil can't deal with. :cool:

Well, not so sure I want to experiment. Like my mom said, "If it's working- then don't change anything."

I am just glad I have insurance.
riff!:D I am surprised that someone of your balanced approach to life, would be so quick to rely on our insurance fed, doctor riddled, Western medicine machine to care for your health. Come on, riff, think outside the box.:cool:
I had a friend with that disease a long time ago. He went to a tanning booth as part of his treatment. I'm not sure how it worked, but somehow the tanning rays helped clear his skin (doctor ordered treatments.)
Cheyenne said:
I had a friend with that disease a long time ago. He went to a tanning booth as part of his treatment. I'm not sure how it worked, but somehow the tanning rays helped clear his skin (doctor ordered treatments.)

Yep.. my son was diagnosed with psorasis at 6 weeks old. Part of his treatment was 3 hours daily under a special "sunshine" lamp.

Thank god for insurance. Between his medicine and those treatments.. it was pretty expensive.

Riff.. I'm glad you have your psoriasis under control.. Thankfully my sons has been under control for 8 years. Hopefully it stays that way (for both you and him)
