I have no idea-

under where

Really Experienced
Dec 6, 2002
Update on the mixtape/crush thing. Well, he definitely received the mixtape. I know this because the night I got word that he had received it he came into my work. He pulled that cute guy move where he pretends that he's shopping to scope out who I am. That bad news is, I still haven't talked to him or heard a word. I wasn't sure if this was rejection or lack of communication due to shyness or little contact with our common connection so, tonite, I called that connection and asked him to invite the guy to an art show I'm attending on Friday. I figured this way he would have to react whether it be negative or positive. Either he says yes and accompanies me, or he says no because he's not interested. Grrrr- waiting is so frustrating. If I had his contact information I could speed things up a bit. Instead I'm stuck wondering and I'm beginning to think, once again, that something is wrong with me. I don't know what to do-

I've never met you, or talked to you, but I'm sure nothing's wrong with you :)

Waiting sucks, so I feel for you. Good luck...I hope it all works out. *hugs*

I think you are handling this very well! I'm glad you went ahead and gave him the tape. I think it's a positive sign he came into your work.

Let us know if he shows up at the art show.

Good luck, sweetie!:kiss:
under where said:
Update on the mixtape/crush thing. Well, he definitely received the mixtape. I know this because the night I got word that he had received it he came into my work. He pulled that cute guy move where he pretends that he's shopping to scope out who I am. That bad news is, I still haven't talked to him or heard a word. I wasn't sure if this was rejection or lack of communication due to shyness or little contact with our common connection so, tonite, I called that connection and asked him to invite the guy to an art show I'm attending on Friday. I figured this way he would have to react whether it be negative or positive. Either he says yes and accompanies me, or he says no because he's not interested. Grrrr- waiting is so frustrating. If I had his contact information I could speed things up a bit. Instead I'm stuck wondering and I'm beginning to think, once again, that something is wrong with me. I don't know what to do-

Heya hun. :)