I have coffee


Penisaurus Dix
Sep 9, 2000
So of course I'm going to get a decent number talking about coffee rather than video games, huh? Jeez, can't get any geek love in the morning. :p
Tell me how to get out of ANY part of Zelda, Ocarina of Time and I'll even make the damn coffee.

There :kiss:
Omg I haven't played Zelda in ages! lol I saw one of those old Donkey Kong games yesterday when visiting my friend. Ah, the memories of sitting in sunny Bangkok playing away...hehe
Okay...Ocarina of Time ruled...what do you want to know? Then new zelda looked pretty gay, I have to admit, until I saw it in action. It looks....amazing. Seriously, it's like playing a really cool looking cartoon. Everything, and I mean everything, looks so beautiful.
I have had this stupid game for so long, and just can't get anywhere.

One day, when you're on line SB, I'll hook it up and you can walk me through it?? :kiss:

I just want to be able to say I've finally gotten to ANY world. Once.
No problem LG...if I can still remember it well enough. It's been awhile since I played anything on the N64. But the matter at hand is that I need to pick a system to buy...within the next hour.:(