I have been away and now I see

Politics is beginning to bore me too.

Anything good to talk about besides politics?

Do you believe in ghosts? :p
Siren, Summerrose and Rhys:) it has been a little while:) I hope you are well?:)

But where is the gossip?:D
The season of politics

It's a time when politics have thrust themselves to the forefront. The eagle is screeching, and the dogs of war are about to be loosed. The east is on the move, and the west is sagging and collapsing inward upon itself. The winds of chaos are blowing, and the sands of the desert have been sifted.
LordOfDarkness said:
Politics is beginning to bore me too.

Anything good to talk about besides politics?

Do you believe in ghosts? :p

I do believe in ghosts! :eek: And leprechauns! :)
Re: The season of politics

It's a time when politics have thrust themselves to the forefront. The eagle is screeching, and the dogs of war are about to be loosed. The east is on the move, and the west is sagging and collapsing inward upon itself. The winds of chaos are blowing, and the sands of the desert have been sifted.
Sounds like an old Bob Dylan song.
Awww *sigh*

well, if there is no MissTaken going on, what am I doing here?

Hey babe! *grin*

Gossip huh? Actually - nothings happened - we've all just been waiting for you to return.
hey nessus

well i heard that a beautiful french woman was about to reappear on the boards ... but im not sure its true :)
I had a dream of naked woman walking in the water.....and poof there she appeared........:D

Hello Nessus....You have been missed......:kiss:
T.H. Oughts said:

Could this be my butt in my av..... :eek: ;) :D

And a nice one at that.

Great to see you again!

Yayati has spawned into 3-5 people now, and there's a BDSM board as well.

Marxist and Cheyenne are having a passionate affair, despite my trying to sway him with my chest av a few months back, and rumor has it Laurel likes cats.
Nessus it is wonderful to see you here and posting. I hope you have been well and happy. Take care of yourself and be well my friend:)
Re: The season of politics

It's a time when politics have thrust themselves to the forefront. The eagle is screeching, and the dogs of war are about to be loosed. The east is on the move, and the west is sagging and collapsing inward upon itself. The winds of chaos are blowing, and the sands of the desert have been sifted.

You must have missed the news this week.

The invasion has been postponed and the UN is saying that they never would have gotten anywhere with Iraq without the US military threat. The new proposal from Washington doesn't have an instant invasion clause in it, but one that allows the UN to come to a vote over it. Even France is enthused.

The dogs of war are in the kennel making puppies.