I have a question about divorce


Feb 1, 2003
I left my husband of 14 years in Sept. All I got was my clothes and computer, I have a terminal illness so I can't work. While I was married I tried to get Disability and they told me he made to much money. So I applied again in Dec. it takes 3 to 6 months to go through. He has promised me spousal maintenance every moth since Sept. Never got A penny. My problem is..... I am left with no money, The state is even paying for my Meds that I have to have. I can't afford a lawyer and Legal aid is backed up for months here in Kingman. Well, I went to a place called Legal Services and filled out paperwork to see if they will accept me Pro Bono, I havent got an answer yet. It is now tax time and he say's he will file with me on one condition and that is... If I sign and Noterize a paper say he only has to pay me 150.00 a month for 6 months. I don't think that is fair. We have a nice house and 14 years worth of community property, I don't want any of that. I just want maintenance so I can live. We have a tax appt. at 5 30 today, he wants me to sign those papers then, before taxes. Are there any loop holes to get out of a notary? I feel caught between a rock and a hard place. He is a truck driver and makes good money, I say he owes me more for longer after 14 years. Help.........

I really need some advice here, I don't know what to do and I'm stressing badly.

I have tried everything and now i'm down to the wire. I only have till 5:30, Of course i'm in a panic, I don't have a penny to my name. I'ts not like i'm taking him for everything.
Don't sign any papers. It's quite possible that the court will make him pay your costs for the divorce.
Re: Please

sexyeyes1 said:
I really need some advice here, I don't know what to do and I'm stressing badly.
Don't sign ANYTHING. A good lawyer will take your case with no money up front, and represent your interests, which CLEARLY needs doing.

150/mo is ridiculously small, that's not even a living wage if you're working, don't go there.

That is one of my problem's, I can't work and i'm almost on the streets. I need the Rapid Refund for the taxes, But not willing to sign for 150.00 Trying to figure out how to get out of signing and still get my share of taxes. Taxes should be substancial amount. He's a truck driver and makes very good money.:confused:
open up the phone book to 'divorce lawyers' and just start calling one after another til you get one.

Sorry I don't have anything better for you.

Good luck.
Can anyone in your family help you with a place to live, money, etc. in the meantime while you wait for the divorce?

How about a women's shelter in your area- I don't think they are only for women who are physically abused. Someone there may be able to help connect you with the services you need- a lawyer, place to stay, etc.
Call a lawyer first, explain the situation, and ask for pro bono.

Keep calling until you find one.

I know here in Michigan, lawyers are required to accept X amount of pro bono per year in order to keep thier lisence. It's the start of the year, so if Arizona is similiar, chances are, you'll have better luck.

Ask for advice over the phone, some are willing to give it.

Don't sign anything, because even if it is under duress, it will hold.

And tell that prick to get a lawyer.

Chances are, if he files without you, you can sue him for half of what he gets back anyway. Note that I said chances, because it may not be the case.
Fuck calling a lawyer..Get Uncle Luigi and his violin case over to your house, pronto!
Your best bet is to stay calm, sign nothing, tell him to piss up a rope and go find a lawyer.

Taxes, shmaxes....he's got more to lose than you right now.

Play your best card....sign nothing and tell him you're going for everything.

I'm in the sign nothing and find a lawyer to do the work that needs to be done.