I have a headache!


Super Fan
Oct 14, 2001
I was just thinking to myself that women seem to get them more then men.

When I ask a woman if she wants to do something I sometimes get the exucse, "I have a headache".

I never hear guys use this excuse, why is it?

Do women get more headaches?

I know I am about to get attacked by some of the women of lit for asking this, but I was just wondering.
Actually we do get more headaches.

Apart from the fact we have to put up with men - gives me a headache everytime. :D We also get headaches from our hormones.
Re: Re: I have a headache!

Emerald_eyed said:
I get a lot of them, but i never let them interfere with my life.

I am starting to like you more and more every day. I fucking hate that excuse!