I have a bet..


Keep Believing
Jan 27, 2012
I have googled this but am not finding an adequate answer. In the game where you are throwing darts at blown up balloons: Is it easier to pop a balloon that is all the way blown up or one that is partially blown up.
I have googled this but am not finding an adequate answer. In the game where you are throwing darts at blown up balloons: Is it easier to pop a balloon that is all the way blown up or one that is partially blown up.

Just a guess that the way blown up one would be tighter, thinner. Therefore easier to pop.
Just a guess that the way blown up one would be tighter, thinner. Therefore easier to pop.

That's what I thought. The other person happened to think that the partailly filled one would have the more compressed matter and be easier to pop.
The one with less air has more elasticity in the balloon membrane, thus harder to stretch and poop.
I have googled this but am not finding an adequate answer. In the game where you are throwing darts at blown up balloons: Is it easier to pop a balloon that is all the way blown up or one that is partially blown up.

THIS is what you bet on


You were better off as HOLLY SAMPSON:eek:
I have googled this but am not finding an adequate answer. In the game where you are throwing darts at blown up balloons: Is it easier to pop a balloon that is all the way blown up or one that is partially blown up.

no clue lol
I have googled this but am not finding an adequate answer. In the game where you are throwing darts at blown up balloons: Is it easier to pop a balloon that is all the way blown up or one that is partially blown up.

Using the jargon of materials physics, it's due to the inflated balloon's greater elasticity, it's propensity to returning to form upon a stress, and concurrent weakness beyond a stress threshold, that makes it more vulnerable to an impacting dart.
Using the jargon of materials physics, it's due to the inflated balloon's greater elasticity, it's propensity to returning to form upon a stress, and concurrent weakness beyond a stress threshold, that makes it more vulnerable to an impacting dart.

That's what I thought. The other person happened to think that the partailly filled one would have the more compressed matter and be easier to pop.

Your friend's premise is even dumber than his conclusion. A partially filled balloon has less "compressed matter" both within the volume which the membrane surrounds and within the internal structure of the membrane itself.
Using the jargon of materials physics, it's due to the inflated balloon's greater elasticity, it's propensity to returning to form upon a stress, and concurrent weakness beyond a stress threshold, that makes it more vulnerable to an impacting dart.

Plus, a fully inflated balloon is a bigger target than one that is only partially inflated.