I Hate Men...


coulda been a lady
Nov 23, 2001
Dorothy kicks so much ass!
This poetry reading is dedicated to KillerMuffin, lavender, Siren, and Lauren :cool:


by Dorothy Parker

I hate Men;
They irritate me.

There are the Serious Thinkers --
There ought to be a law against them.
They see life, as through shell-rimmed glasses, darkly.
They are always drawing their weary hands
Across their wan brows.
They talk about Humanity
As if they had just invented it;
They have to keep helping it along.
They revel in strikes
And they are eternally getting up petitions.
They are doing a wonderful thing for the Great Unwashed --
They are living right down among them.
They can hardly wait
For "The Masses" to appear on the newsstands,
And they read all those Russian novels --
The sex best sellers.

There are the Cave Men --
The Specimens of Red-Blooded Manhood.
They eat everything very rare,
They are scarcely ever out of their cold baths,
And they want everybody to feel their muscles.
They talk in loud voices,
Using short Anglo-Saxon words.
They go around raising windows,
And they slap people on the back,
And tell them what they need is exercise.
They are always just on the point of walking to San Francisco,
Or crossing the ocean in a sailboat,
Or going through Russia on a sled --
I wish to God they would!

And then there are the Sensitive Souls
Who do interior decorating, for Art's sake.
They always smell faintly of vanilla
And put drops of sandalwood on their cigarettes.
They are continually getting up costume balls
So that they can go
As something out of the "Arabian Nights."
They give studio teas
Where people sit around on cushions
And wish they hadn't come.
They look at a woman languorously, through half-closed eyes,
And tell her, in low, passionate tones,
What she ought to wear.
Color is everything to them -- everything;
The wrong shade of purple
Gives them a nervous breakdown.

Then there are the ones
Who are Simply Steeped in Crime.
They tell you how they haven't been to bed
For four nights.
They frequent those dramas
Where the only good lines
Are those of the chorus.
They stagger from one cabaret to another,
And they give you the exact figures of their gambling debts.
They hint darkly at the terrible part
That alcohol plays in their lives.
And then they shake their heads
And say Heaven must decide what is going to become of them --
I wish I were Heaven!

I hate Men;
They irritate me.
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I'm Relieved. Siren, Muffie, and Lavender don't hate me yet, I'm still just a little boy.
70/30 said:
I'm Relieved. Siren, Muffie, and Lavender don't hate me yet, I'm still just a little boy.
I don't know about that - little boys can be pretty irritating too :D
leaving room through side door, muttering, "WTF, I didn't do it"
70/30 said:
I'm Relieved. Siren, Muffie, and Lavender don't hate me yet, I'm still just a little boy.
I noticed you left me out of your list. Does this mean you want me to hate you? It may come with some advantages. I promise not to bite you very hard :devil:

Crysede, if you're going to read me poems about you hating men, I'd very much prefer if you'd just whisper it in my ear during a hot bubble bath. ;)
Its a bit of a weak-minded, cliche-loving poem that neglects to mention that women are bitches.
modest mouse said:
Its a bit of a weak-minded, cliche-loving poem that neglects to mention that women are bitches.
Don't worry, the 'women are bitches' aspect gets thorough treatment in her other weak-minded, cliche-loving poem, 'Women: A Hate Song' :D

Booty Bandit said:
Im a lesbian trapped in a mans body

Will that line work?:D
You should get along well with CV then – he's our very own pre-op transgendered lesbian!

Rambrat said:
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