I Guess It's Contagious...

Why not just position cops at all the offices so they can make the arrests then and there?
Why not just position cops at all the offices so they can make the arrests then and there?

ha, that'll be fucked up. hahah, you know how many people will go thinking their not getting arrested an BOOM! handcuffs on! haha
I.don't get it..The states already have the records of those in these programs computerized..It takes a few seconds to find out if someone has a history of welfare fraud. Most people on welfare are poor (and white) with no criminal record and no records of welfare fraud. I know this because I've read the statistics and was on welfare at one time. And because of budget cuts, welfare offices are short-staffed. But if legislators want to delude themselves and others into how much they think they know on another social issue, I would guess the Dems will eventually appreciate it at the voting booth.
I.don't get it..The states already have the records of those in these programs computerized..It takes a few seconds to find out if someone has a history of welfare fraud. Most people on welfare are poor (and white) with no criminal record and no records of welfare fraud. I know this because I've read the statistics and was on welfare at one time. And because of budget cuts, welfare offices are short-staffed. But if legislators want to delude themselves and others into how much they think they know on another social issue, I would guess the Dems will eventually appreciate it at the voting booth.

It's just another Republican preaching to the choir and trying to shrink their base of support.
I.don't get it..The states already have the records of those in these programs computerized..It takes a few seconds to find out if someone has a history of welfare fraud. Most people on welfare are poor (and white) with no criminal record and no records of welfare fraud. I know this because I've read the statistics and was on welfare at one time. And because of budget cuts, welfare offices are short-staffed. But if legislators want to delude themselves and others into how much they think they know on another social issue, I would guess the Dems will eventually appreciate it at the voting booth.

Nobody with any common decency would get it. It's just another example of conservatives punishing the poor, simply because they're poor. Tennessee is setting the standard right now; maybe North Carolina is trying to keep up with them.

It would be nice to see the voters realize they're voting against their own interests, but I'm not holding my breath.
Poor people are considered freeloaders and thieves to some in America.

I was on welfare in high school and for a bit when I was just out of school. Without it I would have had to resort to stealing stuff to make ends meet.

Now I am making 6 figures a year, without welfare I'd probably still be in jail for the crime I would have needed to commit to survive. Instead, I am contributing to my country.

Finding ways to refuse that service to people who need it only hurts the country in the long run. And I think we are in the final leg of that run.
If it doesn't add a burden to the county offices and their social workers, then it must be a new bureau being created, no doubt to be filled with assorted relatives and donors.
Poor people are considered freeloaders and thieves to some in America.

I was on welfare in high school and for a bit when I was just out of school. Without it I would have had to resort to stealing stuff to make ends meet.

Now I am making 6 figures a year, without welfare I'd probably still be in jail for the crime I would have needed to commit to survive. Instead, I am contributing to my country.

Finding ways to refuse that service to people who need it only hurts the country in the long run. And I think we are in the final leg of that run.

What is even stranger is the rise in 'debtor's prison' here. People are being sent to jail long term for being unable to pay their debts, with no due process. How can one work off a debt from jail on top of paying exhorbitant legal fees? In the meantime, they lose whatever material goods they had left that helped with keeping a job and home and a family together
What is even stranger is the rise in 'debtor's prison' here. People are being sent to jail long term for being unable to pay their debts, with no due process. How can one work off a debt from jail on top of paying exhorbitant legal fees? In the meantime, they lose whatever material goods they had left that helped with keeping a job and home and a family together

Jails shouldn't be for profit unless it's the state getting 100% of it.

But, they need those jails filled so politicians can get a little on the side.

I can't understand why anyone would want to live in the US. I guess most have been brainwashed so well that they actually believe it's the best country in the world.

You guys are one terrorist attack away from becoming a full blown police state.

Welcome to the united police states of america....
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What is even stranger is the rise in 'debtor's prison' here. People are being sent to jail long term for being unable to pay their debts, with no due process. How can one work off a debt from jail on top of paying exhorbitant legal fees? In the meantime, they lose whatever material goods they had left that helped with keeping a job and home and a family together

Debtor's prison is sort of like a loanshark who breaks your thumb when you are late on a payment. He knows you don't have the money and breaking your thumb won't change that. You do have another thumb, and you may have a friend or relative who doesn't want that thumb broken next week.
Poor people are considered freeloaders and thieves to some in America.

I was on welfare in high school and for a bit when I was just out of school. Without it I would have had to resort to stealing stuff to make ends meet.

Now I am making 6 figures a year, without welfare I'd probably still be in jail for the crime I would have needed to commit to survive. Instead, I am contributing to my country.

Finding ways to refuse that service to people who need it only hurts the country in the long run. And I think we are in the final leg of that run.

Me too, but that includes the minus sign at the beginning.
Debtor's prison is sort of like a loanshark who breaks your thumb when you are late on a payment. He knows you don't have the money and breaking your thumb won't change that. You do have another thumb, and you may have a friend or relative who doesn't want that thumb broken next week.

It's my understanding most of these people have no resources, no one that can or will help them, so it's not so much twisting the other thumb to get a debt paid as it is for the enjoyment of power in sending someone to jail. And these prisoners are expected to pay the county's cost for their time in jail as well.

Squibbs, it's the exceptionalism myth, as you know.
I've been poor and I've been not-poor. Not poor is better. But I still like poor people better than rich people to this day.
I.don't get it..The states already have the records of those in these programs computerized..It takes a few seconds to find out if someone has a history of welfare fraud. Most people on welfare are poor (and white) with no criminal record and no records of welfare fraud. I know this because I've read the statistics and was on welfare at one time. And because of budget cuts, welfare offices are short-staffed. But if legislators want to delude themselves and others into how much they think they know on another social issue, I would guess the Dems will eventually appreciate it at the voting booth.

I wouldn't count on Dems getting much in the polls from this, and I don't see what the harm is in background checks. Sure it's unnecessary but it should create jobs and it's about the only thing Republicans will get on board with other than military spending.
I wouldn't count on Dems getting much in the polls from this, and I don't see what the harm is in background checks. Sure it's unnecessary but it should create jobs and it's about the only thing Republicans will get on board with other than military spending.

I see it as placing an unnecessary burden on the state and the poor. I find this a ludricous way or excuse to create jobs, especially when the GOP is constantly trying to, and talking about, cutting welfare budgets. If the GOP wants to be seen as a party who truly cares about family values they need to stop focusing on social issues, just as Alan Simpson has said, and focus instead on the economy and strategies on solid, realistic, and sustainable ways to create jobs.

No, I don't have herpes.

Why do you ask?
I see it as placing an unnecessary burden on the state and the poor. I find this a ludricous way or excuse to create jobs, especially when the GOP is constantly trying to, and talking about, cutting welfare budgets. If the GOP wants to be seen as a party who truly cares about family values they need to stop focusing on social issues, just as Alan Simpson has said, and focus instead on the economy and strategies on solid, realistic, and sustainable ways to create jobs.

It is an unnecessary burden on the state and on the poor. So is our massive military. Both create jobs and while it's just slightly more productive than say paying people to say spin around until they vomit, then mop it up, then spin around until they vomit, then mop it up, then go out for Chinese, then spin around until they vomit. It's something that they will embrace and it's not exactly a hard sell to the Left either.

There aren't a whole lot of solid, realistic, sustainable ways to do much of anything depending on how you choose to define these things anyhow.