I Guess I'll Try *BLUSH*

Hmmmm is there a secret society that one must join... I can't see any pictures..... :-(
hi everyone - i received a couple nasty private messages that hurt my confidence. maybe i'll get it back to post pics again soon :(
hi everyone - i received a couple nasty private messages that hurt my confidence. maybe i'll get it back to post pics again soon :(

I'm sorry to hear that. Your pics were wonderful. People get on my nerves with stuff like that. If you don't like something then don't look at it no more, don't message someone with nasty messages.
hi everyone - i received a couple nasty private messages that hurt my confidence. maybe i'll get it back to post pics again soon :(

Sorry to hear someone had the need to hurt you in a PM. Remember, people's opinions and/or attitudes are a result of them, not you. Don't let other people's inner issues get to you.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see your photos, but I'd like to. :rose:
hi everyone - i received a couple nasty private messages that hurt my confidence. maybe i'll get it back to post pics again soon :(

You are quite beautiful and I enjoyed seeing your pics :) Don't let a few bad nuts ruin your party :) There are plenty of other people who think you are beautiful and sexy just the way you are! You are splendid :)
hi everyone - i received a couple nasty private messages that hurt my confidence. maybe i'll get it back to post pics again soon :(

Please come back. The number of supportive people in this community far outnumber the bad actors. Unfortunately unwanted posts, PMs, and cock pics do happen here. Just be strong and ignore them. They cannot harm or affect you unless you let them do so.

Let the supporters be your friends and defenders. Your confidence will rise. You can and will feel better about yourself if you stay and continue to post. I can practically guarantee it.
See you've got alot of support on here. Don't let a few people ruin your fun. We'll be here if you decide to post pics again.
To late for the party

looks like I got here to late for the photos. Hopefully you will feel motivated to share more.