I Got to Hear Perky Sing Willie Nelson Tunes!

Don't push it,I'm already plotting to unleash rabid moose to hunt you down.
perky_baby said:

willie nelson and a moose.

These are not just any moose,they are the ferocious Swedish moose,King of the forests.

No man nor woman or child can feel safe when they stalk the planet.

It was a mere voice mail. No serenade.

Luck you, G. Lucky, lucky you.
I will sing to you. And then shoot the moose. Pacci is hiding.
perky_baby said:
I will sing to you. And then shoot the moose. Pacci is hiding.

No I had to take the moose for a walk,he was tearing the appartment to pieces frothing at the mouth.Had to let him gnaw on an unsuspecting tourist to calm him down.

I only hide from you when you're waving the strap on around.