I got dumped today. Twice.


Literotica Guru
Mar 20, 2002
Okay, I've been seeing two women. This morning the first one told me she couldn't be bothered with me anymore. I was a nice guy and she was extremely attracted to me but I just caused her too many distractions. By being involved with me she couldn't focus on important things like her daughter, her job, her emotional well being, etc. I said okay. No hard feelings.

This evening woman #2 told me she couldn't be bothered with me anymore. She loved me too much to be with me any longer since I didn't have the same feelings for her that she had for me. She'd tried her hardest to look past it but it just couldn't work anymore. I said no hard feelings and set her free.

Then, to top it off, my best friend calls and tells me he's getting married.

I've never needed a drink this bad before. :(
Wow, I thought my last week sucked.
All of this in one day. Don't drink.
You don't want a hangover in addition to all of this right?
Did either of them fake their deaths to avoid you?


See...it could have been worse.

A good dentist might be able to help alleviate this problem in the future.
Mona said:
Wow, I thought my last week sucked.
All of this in one day. Don't drink.
You don't want a hangover in addition to all of this right?

Too late. I'm already drinking away the pain. At least I don't have to work this week.
medjay said:
Okay, I've been seeing two women. This morning the first one told me she couldn't be bothered with me anymore. I was a nice guy and she was extremely attracted to me but I just caused her too many distractions. By being involved with me she couldn't focus on important things like her daughter, her job, her emotional well being, etc. I said okay. No hard feelings.

This evening woman #2 told me she couldn't be bothered with me anymore. She loved me too much to be with me any longer since I didn't have the same feelings for her that she had for me. She'd tried her hardest to look past it but it just couldn't work anymore. I said no hard feelings and set her free.

Then, to top it off, my best friend calls and tells me he's getting married.

I've never needed a drink this bad before. :(

At least you had a woman to lose!
If you happen to see the Virgin Mary in your bourbon bottle, or Jesus in your fridge, please don't tell p_p_man.
Re: Well

hogjack said:
A good dentist might be able to help alleviate this problem in the future.

Alright, just for the record, the person in my AV is not me. My teeth are fine. The jokes are funny, though. ;)
Re: Re: Well

medjay said:
Alright, just for the record, the person in my AV is not me. My teeth are fine. The jokes are funny, though. ;)

I can't say much. I am confined to this helmet because of a highly contagious condition.

Lesson learned: Never buy any substance from someone in a Denny's restroom area after midnight. Hell, I'd say before midnight is probably a safe bet, too.
Sounds like you were dating for pussy and they were dating for a man.

If you want a fuck-buddy, be honest about it up front. Otherwise it isn't that you were dumped, they finally saw through your using them for your own pleasure.

Guess I'm more sympathetic to the two women you were two-timing.
SimGuy said:
Sounds like you were dating for pussy and they were dating for a man.

If you want a fuck-buddy, be honest about it up front. Otherwise it isn't that you were dumped, they finally saw through your using them for your own pleasure.

Guess I'm more sympathetic to the two women you were two-timing.

Nah, they knew about each other. That wasn't the issue. I've never been anything but up front with both of them. I understand where you're coming from but rest assured, I'm not some dog or asshole. I just wasn't able to give either of them what they needed at this point in time.
Tough break, medjay. You should go get some lap dances at The Admiral or some place similar. Or yah know, someplace where you can git it for free...

"Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em," thats what i always say. Baaaad joke, i know. But did you smile?

aly* said:
Tough break, medjay. You should go get some lap dances at The Admiral or some place similar. Or yah know, someplace where you can git it for free...

Actually, I think I'm just gonna stock up on some new pornos for the winter. Booty Talk must be up to volume 30 by now. :cool:
medjay said:
Nah, they knew about each other. That wasn't the issue. I've never been anything but up front with both of them. I understand where you're coming from but rest assured, I'm not some dog or asshole. I just wasn't able to give either of them what they needed at this point in time.
Wow. In my experience it is quite unusual for two women to know you are sleeping with the other woman too and not be bothered about that.

Now it's sounding like they might have conspired together to end things at the same time.

Hope it works out well. We of the "Ain't Got None In A Long-Time" Club aren't shedding tooooo many tears for you. :D
I definitely need to do the same. I should have gotten some on the way to Wisconsin this summer. I forget the name, but I always stop at the smoke /porn shop on the way up there and check out the various paraphenalia. I should of porn shopped then. I hate going a porn lookin' in the city! It can be scary. :D

Hope tomorrow is a better day.
SimGuy said:
Wow. In my experience it is quite unusual for two women to know you are sleeping with the other woman too and not be bothered about that.

One of them seemed to view it as a challenge. If I chose her over the other, she won.

The second one didn't seem to care at all. She had the attitude that all men are going to fuck around with other women no matter what the circumstance, so why fight it? I think she had been done wrong a few times and was kind of jaded.