I got carded at the mall!


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
tomgirly and I were at the mall yesterday, shopping for shoes, when a female security guard approached us and said, "We have an unescorted minors policy. May I see some ID, ladies?" (The rule is that if you're under 16 years old, you can't be there without someone who is over 21 or a parent)

I laughed ruefully and pulled out my passport (because hell if I know where my drivers license is) and showed her. I'm 26, and tomgirly is 27, but since she didn't have her ID on her, I had to agree to be her "adult escort" in the mall.

Ageist policy? Fuck yeah. Mall's prerogative? I'm not sure.

I was laughing by the time it was all over, but a little black stormclud followed tomgirly until we left the mall.

How would you have responded to this situation?
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