I got a flu shot today


Horny Devil
Apr 12, 2002
This afternoon i took my mom to the nearby health clinic and she got her yearly flu shot.

When my 6 yr old son came home we both went back and got our flu shots. My son has never had one before and he HATES shots but he did so good today!
As soon as the nurse stuck him, he jumped out of his skin and also away from the needle. He had to be re stuck. He tried so hard not to shed any tears.
He got a hersey kiss and a hot wheel car for being such a big boy!
Mama is so proud of her little man. :D

Anyone else get flu shots?
I think flu shots are a bunch of hooey

This is my 2 cents, but one year they came around to our work, and everyone got a flu shot except me and two other people. Of all those who got sick that year, all were those who got the flu shots. If you are not around a bunch of people everyday, or a bunch of kids who don't wipe their noses, and wash their hands you are less likely to get anything than with a flu shot. I would rather risk getting the flu, and practicing good pre-flu habits to spending money on something that may or may not help. If you like to gamble....I have a better investment for you.

The only reason that we got our flu shots was my mom is disable, she is on oxygen 24/7 and has emphesema(SP?) and gets sick almost to easy. My doctor told me once that i'm what they call a " carrier" i will get a virus and bring it home to everyone and they will get sick and i won't.

My son has ashsma and he gets sick easily, not to mention he is in school with OTHER kids who don't wipe their noses and washes afterwards.

I get the shot every year to help keep down any virus or cold i may get. My mom gets sick very easily now and she has nearly died.

Rather it helps or not i like to help easy my mom's mind and get the shot's.
I've never gotten the flu from the shot like alot of people have.

If you ask a doctor about getting sick after getting the flu shot they will probably tell you that you probably had a cold starting and didn't know it and the flu shot brings it on.

"If you like to gamble....I have a better investment for you."

What you have in mind? :p