I found SINthesist's girlfriend

And Andra Jenny. And Markov Cain. And A_Jacks. SINthysist has used many names, some for outright board disruption, some for ranting, some just because people started to hate him so much he needed to buy some new shoes.

I still have no idea what "Andra Jenny" means, or why for a year he pretended to be a girl. I think he's got some wacky wiring.


What do you do for a living?

I can't believe anyone would plod through the archives to dig up the stuff you do.

I pretended to be a girl about like Dixon pretends to be a normal heterosexual male...

Now you figure it out Chill, what does the name stand for, what does it represent, why does Dixon hate this set of identities so much? I dunno. Speaking of people who hate...

Dixon, found your story on any other sites this week yet? It is quite the treasure isn't it? And we haven't even got to he part where your other stories express your ineptitude with women and the power issues that arise from them. Of course, I only look at the ones you complain about being stolen. Sick fucks steal. Normal folk ask permission to use…
On this thread (http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20756&perpage=25&pagenumber=2), where I complained about someone stealing my story, you replied: "Good work DCL! But the same person will grab a new name, some of the lesser material here and do it again. Kinda like Darrell Strawberry and what's his name, Wonder woman, morten Downey. Sick is sick.”

You loved me once AJ, LOL.

From this thread: (http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19277&perpage=25&pagenumber=2) Andra Jenny: "Despite myself, I find that every logon causes me to look for hidden DCL jewels!"

You jerked off to my stories, and were my biggest fan, until you lost a silly argument, and you've been a pretentious waffling wack-job ever since.
Yeah. I'm kind of slow. It took me a while to get a handle on your character. But after observing you for a while I stopped seeing the grand robes... Hell, I never even read your story until I needed too. But which vague argument is that, since you're so good at NOT following my career? I still haven't read your other stories, but seeing how they are serialized and understanding the nature of your character after all these long years, I can just about give a thumbnail of the types of stories they are, without even reading them.

Like some of your other charges and schticks, this one is a bit of a fabrication designed to at once make you look witty and absolve you of really thinking about the message or messanger. The insistance that you "won" something is ego driven. Ask anyone whom has engaged me here and they'll tell you I'll follow an argument one way or another, right or wrong, until the OTHER PERSON simply goes away. So again. Why would I walk away from an argument with you? I delight in tormenting those wiser than me when they prolaim it.

But at least you finally put a little effort into it... Maybe one day, you'll see the rest of the picture, but as long as it's about you and what makes you feel good, I do not think that can happen. But I don't dispair yet. Eventually you may see what we see when we see you...


You know I love to wind you up on Fridays. People may suddenly realize that you love the attention and that is why you banter with trolls. But you are, after all, basically the longest running troll gig on the Boards, aren't you?


How's that pimple on your ass?


You know I recently heard a recent legal discussion on the radio. If someone goes to court and says your [generic your] story helped directly in the commission of a crime, an aid, so to speak, for approaching young girls, that you can be held liable in civil proceedings.

What a bite!

What a violation of Free Speech!

I'm glad places like this exist to keep valuable work like yours alive to keep speech truly free for our [your and mine] children's world...


But it couldn't be as simple as that, noooooo...

You won an argument,


And you wonder why I don't trust modern schools!



Man I bet that was a long three hours waiting to post that one


You are getting pathetic. Now you're following ME AROUND!


Oh, excuse me, you waited FOUR hours!


Well, timing is everything!

Gawd you're easy!
Recently I've been systematically destroying the entire Libertarian Party, I haven't seen SINthysist around to help save the sinking bottle cap. Perhaps you are scared I'll call you a cyborg trained by the marines to hate everything not: white, upper class, or militarily ultrapatriotic. Uncle Bill's toast and Ishmael's getting too sloppy. Looks like you, Lost Cause, miles, and aquila are the fading hope for Reagan's dream to be fully realised. Too bad you don't have the skills (sac) to step up.
70/30 - What in gawd's name are you talking about?

First, look at the sigline. The Libertarian Party goes about destroying itself on a daily basis. Secondly, why then would YOU claim credit for someone elses work? If Ish, et. al., have destroyed themselves with their own lack of logic, how dare you take credit. Did you teach them?

I don't take personal credit for the imploding Democratic party either...

I guess if you keep repeating it, it gets FUNNIER, Dixon. I just don't get modern comedy. but then after waiting so long to deliver a punchline, I gues you have the right to keep using it until it actually works.
70/30 said:
Perhaps you are scared I'll call you a cyborg trained by the marines to hate everything not: white, upper class, or militarily ultrapatriotic. Uncle Bill's toast and Ishmael's getting too sloppy. Looks like you, Lost Cause, miles, and aquila are the fading hope for Reagan's dream to be fully realised.

Amusing post! :) Fading=faded.