Not That I Cannot Afford The Cadillac.
But It Is Burdensome. As The NFL Career I Forewent.
For It Had Become Burdensome Too. Oft Leaving Me Stress To Vent.
Let Me Now Change Sports. And The Third String Goalie For The Soccer Team Be.
And A 5 Year Old Mercury Car Once A Year Will Be Good Enough For Me.
I've Kept Enough Of My Ill Gotten Gain From Being In The NFL.
I'd Like To Volunteer As That 3rd String Goalie. My Services To Give, Not To Sell.
And I'll Help Foot Some Of The Expenses For The Team As A Team, But Also As Players.
For I Have Been Treated Well In Sport. To Return The Favor Is Only Fair.
So Off Comes The Helmet, Off Come The Jersey And Then The Pants, The Pads, [and In Time My Underwear] (-: -
Exchanged For A Less Burdensome Uniform And Dignity To Receive And Share.
For I Have Been Treated Kingly. I Am Most Sure Of This
To The Cleaning Lady, You Sit You R Pretty Little Self Down And Rest Darling, I'll Get Them Drawers Cleaned..........
'oh Baby! Come Gimme A Kiss! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!'
(And If You Give Your Clothes To Me, I'll Wash Them For You Too.
Naked You And I Dear Cleaning Lady In The Laundry Room. Let Me Make Love To You!)
The Cleaning lady however said. "FUCK A DAMN WHTIE MAN!"
At first the Reformee who chose not to pursue his NFL continuation was saddened.
But then the cleaning lady sat down beside him. Placed her arm around him and said "Baby Look at me.IN the eye!"HE said "HMMMMMMMM!?!?!??!?"
"Baby let me tell you what I meant when I said that. That means I want to fuck you.
In all my life I've been with one white man. His cock was bigger wider and shot more come into me than any black dick ever did.
And what is more. The only white man I ever had ate my pussy for twelve hours straight. I cam over 300 healthy lively bid discharge times in those 12 hours. Look at me again. I am more than a cleaning lady. I am a lady. I took this job because I must. I have 5 little girls at home 6,5, 4, 3, and 2. And they are in the nursery here. And I have noticed you since I have worked here in Boston. I noticed you at first. I have keen perception darling. You don't fit in the NFL. You're a domestic man. A soccer player so in touch with his feelings. that's what else I lie about a white man. Every one I've known, including the one I fucked were in touch with their feelings. Take my clothes from me, now my big white mars. I see thee naked. Thy huge wide beautiful dong. I want it in my mouth. My pussy my ass. I want to fucked in all three of my holes right here in this laundry room at the Stadium all night long by you until the sun rises. We are all alone here. We will collapse in each others arms. Now , my big beautiful white mars.
And ebony venus and ivory mars fucked and sucked and ate and drank and licked all night long. And it was Heaven on earth.
Then they collapsed in each others arms at sunrise and rose at 3 the following morning. They french kissed. He told her. "I got to go to the bathroom and shit and piss something I cant begin to tell you." She looked at him "ME TOO! Race you to the john. "
So they went to the coed bathroom and she sat and shit and pissed first. He got toilet paper in each hand. She got through. She was looking at him with the TP in each hand. "Baby what you doing?"
And he wiped her pissy come filled cunt and shitty come filled ass dry and clean . She looked at him with a love in her eyes she had known not for any man ever before, black or white. He kneeled in front of her. kissing her beautiful hands. She threw her arms around him. "OH GOD, YOU JUST LIKE MY MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I LOVE YOU! Let me hold that pissing cock while you go and go and go and go and go. !" So she held his ivory mars while he went and went and went. Then he sat down and let loose with the absolute damnedest shit ever taken by any man. She sprayed lysol to cover the odor. Then she took that toilet paper. "You wiped my pussy and ass. Let me wipe your ass just like your momma used to do."
"Baby You don't have to do that!"
She said "I want to. As a supreme favor to you , my darling."
The Loves of their lives bad come to them. She gave birth to another child. A girl. HE played soccer in New England. They lived happily ever after.
But It Is Burdensome. As The NFL Career I Forewent.
For It Had Become Burdensome Too. Oft Leaving Me Stress To Vent.
Let Me Now Change Sports. And The Third String Goalie For The Soccer Team Be.
And A 5 Year Old Mercury Car Once A Year Will Be Good Enough For Me.
I've Kept Enough Of My Ill Gotten Gain From Being In The NFL.
I'd Like To Volunteer As That 3rd String Goalie. My Services To Give, Not To Sell.
And I'll Help Foot Some Of The Expenses For The Team As A Team, But Also As Players.
For I Have Been Treated Well In Sport. To Return The Favor Is Only Fair.
So Off Comes The Helmet, Off Come The Jersey And Then The Pants, The Pads, [and In Time My Underwear] (-: -
Exchanged For A Less Burdensome Uniform And Dignity To Receive And Share.
For I Have Been Treated Kingly. I Am Most Sure Of This
To The Cleaning Lady, You Sit You R Pretty Little Self Down And Rest Darling, I'll Get Them Drawers Cleaned..........
'oh Baby! Come Gimme A Kiss! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!'
(And If You Give Your Clothes To Me, I'll Wash Them For You Too.
Naked You And I Dear Cleaning Lady In The Laundry Room. Let Me Make Love To You!)
The Cleaning lady however said. "FUCK A DAMN WHTIE MAN!"
At first the Reformee who chose not to pursue his NFL continuation was saddened.
But then the cleaning lady sat down beside him. Placed her arm around him and said "Baby Look at me.IN the eye!"HE said "HMMMMMMMM!?!?!??!?"
"Baby let me tell you what I meant when I said that. That means I want to fuck you.
In all my life I've been with one white man. His cock was bigger wider and shot more come into me than any black dick ever did.
And what is more. The only white man I ever had ate my pussy for twelve hours straight. I cam over 300 healthy lively bid discharge times in those 12 hours. Look at me again. I am more than a cleaning lady. I am a lady. I took this job because I must. I have 5 little girls at home 6,5, 4, 3, and 2. And they are in the nursery here. And I have noticed you since I have worked here in Boston. I noticed you at first. I have keen perception darling. You don't fit in the NFL. You're a domestic man. A soccer player so in touch with his feelings. that's what else I lie about a white man. Every one I've known, including the one I fucked were in touch with their feelings. Take my clothes from me, now my big white mars. I see thee naked. Thy huge wide beautiful dong. I want it in my mouth. My pussy my ass. I want to fucked in all three of my holes right here in this laundry room at the Stadium all night long by you until the sun rises. We are all alone here. We will collapse in each others arms. Now , my big beautiful white mars.
And ebony venus and ivory mars fucked and sucked and ate and drank and licked all night long. And it was Heaven on earth.
Then they collapsed in each others arms at sunrise and rose at 3 the following morning. They french kissed. He told her. "I got to go to the bathroom and shit and piss something I cant begin to tell you." She looked at him "ME TOO! Race you to the john. "
So they went to the coed bathroom and she sat and shit and pissed first. He got toilet paper in each hand. She got through. She was looking at him with the TP in each hand. "Baby what you doing?"
And he wiped her pissy come filled cunt and shitty come filled ass dry and clean . She looked at him with a love in her eyes she had known not for any man ever before, black or white. He kneeled in front of her. kissing her beautiful hands. She threw her arms around him. "OH GOD, YOU JUST LIKE MY MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I LOVE YOU! Let me hold that pissing cock while you go and go and go and go and go. !" So she held his ivory mars while he went and went and went. Then he sat down and let loose with the absolute damnedest shit ever taken by any man. She sprayed lysol to cover the odor. Then she took that toilet paper. "You wiped my pussy and ass. Let me wipe your ass just like your momma used to do."
"Baby You don't have to do that!"
She said "I want to. As a supreme favor to you , my darling."
The Loves of their lives bad come to them. She gave birth to another child. A girl. HE played soccer in New England. They lived happily ever after.