i don't like ________.

i don't like the detriot tigers! fuckers!

i don't like thieves or liars.
i don't like the fact derek jeter is out for the rest of the post season.
I don't like people who go looking for drama.

I don't like feeling trapped.

I don't like lima beans.
I don't like being interrupted while masturbating and being close to orgasm by a message that requires me to stop what I'm doing and get dressed and go out and deal with people. I don't like being grouchy and horny at the same time.
I don't like how unfair life can be at times, douchebags and tools, or people who think they are funny when they aren't.
I don't like Raymond! Fuck that not-funny-one-bit ass clown...his bitchy wife and the rest of the cast, including the tall brother who's even less funny in everything else. Especially his new fucking show! Fuck him!
I don't like the Pain that lives with you every day of your life, never ceasing, not even long enough to get a night's sleep, is one of the worst things:eek:
I Don't Like.....

People pretending to be something they're not
Brussel Sprouts
Going to work
Bad manners
I don't like dealing with things that piss me off. They get in the way of my happiness.
I don't like peas, pizza, massages, feet, The Simpsons, and American Idol.

I like all of them except Idol..........

I don't like high pitched sounds like vacuum cleaners.....So I vacuum with my earbuds in.
I don't like raw onion...liver....or smoked salmon.

I don't like the fact that my little girl is turning 16 this year.

I don't like the fact that my friends hurt or are lonely and I can't do more than encourage them.