I don't know how to tell you all this... but I don't know HOW to make you believe.


Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
Oh my dear Lord help me!

I am probably not going to be believed here. I dont even expect it. I am probably going out on a limb here, but many of you know me and know some of my situation, and I am desperate to get you to take this seriously. THis is very hard for me to do pysically. I am very sick. Very effected right now. I need your help. Your belief. Some will believe me. Some will help me. I need you. I need God. I need you to take me completely seriously, and pray for me.

I dont want to decive, I want to be pure. Ive burned my soul to show you all that I am pure. I have no true lies in me. I love. I feel the worlds pain. I hurt more than I should. People tell me all of the time to loosen up, have faith, but I put my faith in the wrong things.

Listen to me please, and try in your heart, listen to God, not the grating feelings that come over you when you read this... Listen to God and your heart. Put your heart with him and listen to me. I am your friend, most of you have come to know me as a caring, loving, smart, enthusiastic, creative woman, who has influence on others. What more reason could evil have to try and destroy me, to stop me, to prevent me from knowing God truely, and sharing him with you. Opening him to you.

Look. I have people here to prove what is going on so please, Trust me. Please.

You will think, this doesn't sound like fishy. It isn't is, but it is a new fishy. A good, changed fishy, still struggling, but I need your help too, and your understanding.

Ever since I moved into my house, strange, bizzare, unexplainable things have been happening to me. I've talked about some of it here. I've tried to figure it out, what it is, and why, but in the midst of all of my heartbreak, and the influence I've had about using your mind to talk to others, and find answers has led me into the depths of hell.

I don't know how to prove this to you, but Irie and The Cheshire Cat are here, and witnessing what is happening to me.

I need help. I need prayer. Please.

I am under demonic influence. I need help.

I have been having feelings for someone, someone I know. They are significant to me, but I never knew why they stood out to me so much. Well, Ive tried to talk to them with my mind. For two years now I have had ringing in my ears that is not normal. Ive mentioned it to others, but no one has told me anything about what it would be other than tenitis. But I experiance not ringing, but a sort of hum, and if I think a thought, I get impressions, and often they come true. Many times, I ask questions I dont know, and they reply YES in my right ear, and NO in my left ear.

My friend, living here, is a devout Christian. She and her mother knew what was going on. God burned her house down to bring her here to help save me.

This person I care about is being effected by them too. He is not saved. He is Jewish. I am not saved, I am not baptised yet. God wants us to get together, that is why he put interest in us for each other, but the demons dont want us saved, so they have lured me to think and do wrong things.

Outwardly, you all know I am of good, pure intentions. THIS is why GOD walks with me, and always has, even though Ive denied him.

I am here to tell you this, because I have spent since monday night until yesterday, then again last light until today..

Physically possessed by Satan.

You will not want to believe me because of your doubts. This is evil whispering to you, but you havent opened a gateway like I did.

I tried to pm Storm about this last night, after they made me do things in possesion, but it appears the pm never got to him.

LOOK. The person that I care for, his name, I cant say it here, but it is significant to a person who arrived here, on Friday, posting here. I was talking to them thursday night, they were lying to me. I was begging him to come here and look for my thread about him. I thought I was talking to him. Well, on friday, I came to lit and there was the thread here, posted about immorality.

I will say no more about the relationship of it, but to me, it is clear.

The demons cannot lie to me about Gods true will, and his word. So mixed in with their lies, there are truths. I am not smart or powerful enough to tell the difference. They are trying to stop me at every moment. My hands are going numb, I am faint. They are making me think thoughts about the apocalypse. They told em that if I get with Josh, that we would bring about the rapture. They told me that he was Christ and I was Mary Magdaline.

I was inthralled. This is my natural curiosity, but because I have not truely put my faith in God, I have fallen into their trap.

They are hurting me physically. I truely believe now that I am not ill with ANY disease, but for years since Ive been here, theyve plauged me with a phantom illness, one filled with boils, infections, the hypo. They had me believing last night that God could heal me if I purged. They got to me while I was in my most sacred state. I was in prayer to God and they lied to me and got me believing that God could talk to me through the positive side, they fooled me and I was doing things last night that Irie witnessed, and the night before, that were total signs of possession...

Vomiting, swearing, moving around oddly. I am nervous, I cant sleep much, they wont let me. We have all been praying to God asking him to make them stop touching me, stop thumping my bed, and touching my head and feet, whispering in my ear.

I prayed two nights ago, Irie stayed with me so I could fall asleep, but I woke up some time later, and it was still there. I prayed again, effective as I could, and went back to sleep as effective as I could. I woke later and although if I think a thought I can here remenents of a responce, it is gone for the most part, expect they still touch me, and try to make my legs not work. I cant walk much, eat or anything when they are inside of me. They were punching around in my stomach, when id order them out in Christs name.

I am needing your prayers, your faith, your help. YOUR BELIEF.

This is happening to me. I have witnesses.

I am needing belief. I wish you were all here to see this. To see what they are doing to me when I give into them and stray from God.

God is real. God's word is real. They cannot lie to me anymore.

Look, ever since I met the man I have come to care for, there has been something divinly bright about him, good, pure, like me. Then I saw the looming darkness around him. I was in a could of pain, suffering and agony myself. I didn't know it was real, that it was demons. I've written in a journal I've kept, over the past five months an account of this. He's seen me writing in it. I've tried to talk to him, but they make me unable to say what I need and want to say to him. They know if we hook up, that he'll come to know God and be saved. Satan wants his and my soul. He has had claim on them long enough, and I am demanding release, and need release. They try and stop me as we speak. They've had influence over me posting here in the past. THey will try to make it so this won't get through to you. They can dim and brighten the lights in my home, make, things move, makemy body suffer, and they can and have literally assaulted me.

The man I care for knows I care, only because God made sure he knows. I found this out because they cannot lie to me about the willl of God, but they can lie about other things to put fear in me about him. I asked them about this, and they had to tell me. I came to find out through God and the demons that right now, he was told by my friend, who I imagine may feel bad, but he did what God wanted me to do. They had put impressions in my mind that if I hook up with him, he will be an abusive man, beat me, hurt me, worse than anyone ever has. He hasn't got it in him if it isn't them talking through him. I know this. He is a good, gentleman, a kind person, a loving man, worthy of commitment, love and the highest blesssings of God. I want to help him too.

And I MUST tell you this all, in faith that your knowing may help you find God and your own salvation.

Read my title and location.

I changed it Friday after I read Brother Joshuas threads. It hit me like a TON of bricks, and when it did, they pryed and pushed and physically have possesed me, because I let them.

Don't let them take you too. Think about this. Pray for me, pray for yourself. Open yourself up to God.

God will hear you, and he will listen. He is listening to me, and trying to help wage a war against satan in my soul and in my body and in my home. They have been here all along, they are everywhere, and I let them in. I invited them. I didn't use any things that were tools of the devil, but for ignorance and a lack of faith and that is all it takes.

Here me. Please. Help me.

I need you. My heart, not my ears, tell me this is the right way. I have no tangable way of proof to you, but for the account I have and the accounts of the witnesses. I have my journal to show you the struggle in my head, the conflict, the lies they've hurt me with.

Please God, Forgive me. Help me. Release me from this suffering.

In Christ's Name I witness this to you.


Your help IS needed. You can be doubtful, but my suffering is real, I am sick, and I am being possessed.

Your Jokes will defy God. They will not help.

Don't make them here. If you think it, whatever. But this is a true plea to you, and God for help.

I am suffering. Don't make fun of it.
Even if it is all in my head, which it is not, as the witnesses I have have seen much, it is not funny. I am sick with grief.

I am ill. Help me God.
as a general rule of thumb satan only has power over you if you give it to him.
Yeah, I will.

Thanks for your faith.

Doctors have done so much for me in the past.
Have you thought of going to see a priest or a minister? Seriously, I'm not making fun of you, but maybe getting out of the house and into a spiritual place will help?
Re: I believe you and take this seriously...

They still have exocists too, you know.
Demons are real and they can torture people. You need to pray, get anything out of your house and life that you think may have the slightest attachment to them. Scream out to God for help if you need to. Tell the demons to get away from you. I'll be praying that you get the help you need.
Thank you Lady G, Yes, I have sought help. I have good, devout people on my side. They noticed it before I did, but I had to accept it on my own, they would not tell me outright. This to me feels hurtful, cause you'd think they would want me to know, but I would not be a believe now if they had. I'd have still doubted it all. WHen I did admit it to myself I went to them, and they revealed. I am going to be okay. I have faith now, but am so weak, they are still taking advantage of me, BUT it will get better, because i have faith and desire for it to go away.

glamorilla said:
as a general rule of thumb satan only has power over you if you give it to him.

You are precisely right glam. This is my faith and that God loves me. This is all so true. I've got to know this. It is happening me in slowly. God's love is growing me in. They are working over me badly right now, resisting, but I can't give them anything to use anymore.

I see you are right with God glam. He loves you. I have prayed for you and yours, as your friend, and you are close to him, I can tell, you are good.

Thank you for your encouragement, that is what I need.

Unfortunately unless you are RC, I don't think there is another religious org that will have any kind of infrastructure to deal with this.

Talk to your local Arch-Diocese, may not take your story seriously at first glance, but your passion is unmistakable.

Someone there can put you in contact with people who will be able to converse intelligently with you about your experiences.

There are practicing exorcists out there, I researched this somewhat for a screenplay a few years back.

Good luck.
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I will write you Angel, but you all must realize I am over taxed. This is making me feel better though. Distracting me from these dark things.

I am going to miss replying to some of you. I am going to be takig this in to privacy now. I can't do this out here right now, cause I can't focus well.

I am not in a religion. I am following a faith, but I am simply working toward and honest relationship with God. I will not push him on you. I will not force anyone. I will not be anyone but Starfish, Gretchen, the person you know and love, and I will not leave hear out of stupid fear of sin. You all love me, you've helped me, you've shown me my worth. They hate this. This is God's doing. My reason for being here is not the reason they want me here. They want me to fall into darkness and vice, but I want to be here to be a friend to my friends. The people that I care for, and have been there for me through all of this, whether they know it or not.


I have to go, but thank you for your help if you wish to give it. I need it, and appreciate it.

nitelite33 said:
Unfortunately unless you are RC, I don't think there is another religious org that will have any kind of infrastructure to deal with this.

There are practicing exorcists out there, I researched this somewhat for a screenplay a few years back.

Does this mean that if she isn't Catholic they won't help her?

And how does one go about hiring an exorcist anyway? Does the church just have them on retainer or something?
Call your local church, and ask to speak with the priest, or reverend, or whomever. And then call your doctor. This obviously is affecting you enough to write about it here and ask for help, so first, get your friends to help you find a person of the cloth to talk to, then a medical doctor and then, a psychiatrist. The first and the third will help your mind to battle, and the second will help your body.

Whatever has a hold on you can be defeated. You just have to know how to help yourself, and you seem to have a good start by asking for help. Now go, and do it. I'll be praying for you.
medjay said:
Does this mean that if she isn't Catholic they won't help her?

And how does one go about hiring an exorcist anyway? Does the church just have them on retainer or something?

I'm Catholic, but not an expert by any stretch. The Catholic Church has pretty strict rules about non-Catholics and receiving services. But I doubt they will turn away a person in true need.

Some Catholic priests specialize in exorcism. It's just that - a speciality. They are normal priests who have gone through extra training.
medjay said:
Does this mean that if she isn't Catholic they won't help her?

And how does one go about hiring an exorcist anyway? Does the church just have them on retainer or something?

That's basically what it means yes. You will have a hard time convincing them even if you *are* Catholic, and if you are not, they will just ask you if there isn't anyone you can talk to in your own faith.

Organized Religion is decidedly less metaphysical these days.

There are even theological movements within the different Churches, that are reexamining the concept of Satan as a mythology, and assigning him a more psychological role—Sort of an id proxy for our collective unconsciousness.