I don't get it. Tommy Hilfiger, Abercrombie, etc.


Ms Snooby Pants
Mar 18, 2001
I'm watching the Stars game. Right behind the plexiglass a guy is sitting there in a bright ass orange shirt, with a huge Tommy Hilfiger block plastered across his gut. And it struck me, that guy thinks he looks good.

Why do people pay good money to wear that kind of stuff? Comparably priced clothing without the "designer" ads cost less. Why do people pay to advertise clothing companies? What is the appeal of having GAP or Abercrombie & Fitch written across your body? This doesn't seem to be a youthful obsession, either. I've seen people of all ages sporting this type of clothing.
Because Abercrombie and Fitch clothing makes you drop dead sexy. You go from zero to perfect 10 with the slip of a sweater.

It's in the catalog.

They're caught up in the hype.
They want to be popular.
They're stupid.
They spend too much money.

(and still sometimes look like shit.)
I have wondered the same thing.

Have you ever been shopping, stumbled on the perfect shirt only to find it to be crap once you see the glaring letters advertising someone else's stuff?

In any event, if I am going to be a walking billboard, I want royalites!

Stockholders maybe?

It could be to conform to fashion dictated by their peers. In a way, I'm in that trap, black Harley-Davidson tee shirts, black boots, chain wallet, and a buck knife. It just feels right, being who I am. :D
I get a laugh when white people wear "FUBU", do they even understand the irony?
Doubt it.

(Out of curiosity, who designs Phat Farm clothing?)
MissTaken said:
Have you ever been shopping, stumbled on the perfect shirt only to find it to be crap once you see the glaring letters advertising someone else's stuff?
Yes I have. That so sucks.

HeavyStick, what does FUBU mean?
I see it all the time.......

Mona said:
They're caught up in the hype.
They want to be popular.
They're stupid.
They spend too much money.

(and still sometimes look like shit.)

I see them...........today at lunch for example...........and I wonder........and then I realize........

They're caught up in the hype.
They want to be popular.
They're stupid.
They spend too much money.

Excellent question,Mischka. I have never bought or worn trendy designer label clothing or purses and never saw the appeal. I really don't get the purse thing though. A Louis Vuitton purse (that I think is really ugly) for 600 bucks? If I like the style of something I might by a no name knock off of it, but then again I don't watch tv or listen to commercial radio either..lol
Tribal identification in action?

My brother has a gag designer tee shirt that says, "Tommy Middlefinger", it's a hoot! :D
Don't be to surprised when you find out that a lot of those people sitting in those front rows were given the tickets to sit there as a condition of wearing the clothes you see them in.

There are people here at the Fleet Center here in Boston that wander around and grab people as they come in and offer to "upgrade" their seats for them for doing just that...
They want to be :cool:

& they're shallow enough to believe it,
But the other shallow folk believe it, too, so it becomes true.

Such are fads & fashions.:p
acitore_vuli said:
I'm guilty of buying brand name stuff. But I buy it because they tend to use better educated and more talented Indonesians then generic brands do, hence the quality is that much better.

Some of the higher quality clothing is made in US prisons. Clothing manufacturers can pay $.25 to $1.25 an hour or day to a US prisoner. I wanna say Eddie Bauer is one of these companies.
Lost Cause, where can I buy that "Tommy Middlefinger" shirt? :D
Well, I bet no one who actually owns this apparel will respond now. But if there's a brave soul out there who will, I'm quite sincere in my question - why do you own this type of clothing? Why does it appeal to you?
Mona, that is Russell Simmons. And his wife designs Baby Phat.