I Dig Dental Anaesthetic.


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
I got a cavity filled today. (Yeah, I know-- my sweet tooth and the Cavity Creeps are in cahoots. It was only the second time in my life I've had a cavity, so I'm not deserving a lecture.)

I loved the numbness! Getting the shot didn't hurt at all. I did close my eyes as the hypodermic loomed close to my face, but I was pleasantly surprised that there was not one bit of pain.

The actual filling took about three minutes to do, and I got to walk around for another 4 hours with a half paralyzed face. I didn't drool or anything, but I had a droopy smile. Talking took a lot of effort.

But I liked it! It was fun. And it felt good.

Anyone else out there fond of this, or is it just me?
Don't I wish. Nope, I didn't even get any nitrous. And no pain pills, because I wasn't in pain in the first place. But it was a nicely altering experience, in a physical sense. Very pleasant.
might be movin' to Montana soon
Just to raise me up a crop of
Dental Floss

Raisin' it up
Waxen it down
In a little white box
I can sell uptown

By myself I wouldn't
Have no boss,
But I'd be raisin' my lonely
Dental Floss

Raisin' my lonely
Dental Floss

Well I just might grow me some bees
But I'd leave the sweet stuff
For somebody else...but then, on the other hand I'd

Keep the wax
N' melt it down
Pluck some Floss
N' swish it aroun'

I'd have me a crop
An' it'd be on top (that's why I'M movin' to)

Movin' to Montana soon
Gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon (yes I am)
Movin' to Montana soon
Gonna be a mennil-toss flykune

I'm pluckin' the ol'
Dennil Floss
That's growin' on the prairie
Pluckin' the floss!
I plucked all day an' all nite an' all

I'm ridin' a small tiny hoss
(His name is MIGHTY LITTLE)
He's a good hoss
Even though
He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or
Blanket on anyway
He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or
Blanket on anyway
Any way

I'm pluckin' the ol'
Dennil Floss
Even if you think it is a little silly, folks
I don't care if you think it's silly, folks
I don't care if you think it's silly, folks

I'm gonna find me a horse
Just about this big
An' ride him all along the border line

With a
Pair of heavy-duty
Zircon-encrusted tweezers in my hand
Every other wrangler would say
I was mighty grand

By myself I wouldn't
Have no boss
But I'd be raisin' my lonely
Dental Floss

Raisin' my lonely
Dental Floss
Raisin' my lonely
Dental Floss

Well I might
Ride along the border
With my tweezers gleamin'
In the moon-lighty night

And then I'd
Get a cuppa cawfee
N' give my foot a push...
Just me 'n the pymgy pony
Over the Dennil Floss Bush

N' then I might just
Jumb back on
An' ride
Like a cowboy
Into the dawn to Montana

Movin' to Montana soon
Movin' to Montana soon
I like the fat lip feeling. I spent much of the time afterward furtively stroking my mouth, just because it felt so alien and strange and wonderful. And then every once in a while I would give it a good poke, just to make sure it was still there. Fun stuff.
everybody is talking about the girl
who went and killed the delivery man,
but she looks so kind and gentle,
it just doesn't stand to reason,
I saw her right there just the other night
as stately as a slot machine,
but when she looked my way something mad
as hell came over me,

anesthesia, mona lisa, I've got a little gun,
here comes oblivion,
I never loved you, how did you find me?
the cops will never prove complicity now, anna......
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
all good children go to heaven!
I remember your face that august night
when we lied about the beautiful time to come
and that crazy old man who came much to late
and caused a chain reaction,
I've been hanging out there for eleven long years
like a church mouse where the cat has gone,
and looking at you now
is driving me to distraction
Ha! Dilly beat me to it!

Just me 'n the pymgy pony, Over the Dennil Floss Bush...

Gotta love Zappa.
superlittlegirl said:
I got a cavity filled today. (Yeah, I know-- my sweet tooth and the Cavity Creeps are in cahoots. It was only the second time in my life I've had a cavity, so I'm not deserving a lecture.)

I loved the numbness! Getting the shot didn't hurt at all. I did close my eyes as the hypodermic loomed close to my face, but I was pleasantly surprised that there was not one bit of pain.

The actual filling took about three minutes to do, and I got to walk around for another 4 hours with a half paralyzed face. I didn't drool or anything, but I had a droopy smile. Talking took a lot of effort.

But I liked it! It was fun. And it felt good.

Anyone else out there fond of this, or is it just me?
not me but perhaps next time you could get a lil nitrous oxide to go with your novacaine.....kinda like a value meal of dentistry:D
Who loves the paralzying feel of nerve damage, or the numbness of novacaine? I think touch is an amazing thing, to hamper to lose that is terrible, how could you get high off that? I bet you love it when you leg goes to sleep too, or you hit your funny bone. Are you sure you aren't into S & M, I would say the two are related...
I've only ever had one cavity filled, but I liked that feeling too, SLG.

Loved nitrous, but it's hard to find offices who will use it anymore. My dentist loves me. She gives me xanax for cleanings. :)
Tues I had an extraction and three fillings replaced. I opted for IV sedation. You feel like you are asleep, but you are just totally relaxed. Of course, they still freeze you, because your body would feel things and react, but for a two hour procedure, it is wonderful. Came home and zoned for another two hours.

I tend to have panic attacks regarding dental procedures, so this is the solution for me. (pun intended :D )
Touch is an amazing thing. I won't deny that. But my tactile sense was not obliterated, it was simply enhanced in a novel way. Sure, I'd be pissed if my mouth stayed numb forever, but it was fun for a few hours, undeniably. And I do appreciate the excruciation of a sleeping limb, for the same reason. It feels good while it's numb, and then the fire of pins and needles is horrible and wonderful at the same time.

And yes, I have enjoyed the BDSM world from time to time. I like intense sensation, and perhaps the two are related, as you posit. I'm wondering, though, if you don't sound a little agitated in your response to my experience. Am I just reading you wrong, or is there something more?

ridddder said:
Who loves the paralzying feel of nerve damage, or the numbness of novacaine? I think touch is an amazing thing, to hamper to lose that is terrible, how could you get high off that? I bet you love it when you leg goes to sleep too, or you hit your funny bone. Are you sure you aren't into S & M, I would say the two are related...
Rubyfruit said:
I've only ever had one cavity filled, but I liked that feeling too, SLG.

Loved nitrous, but it's hard to find offices who will use it anymore. My dentist loves me. She gives me xanax for cleanings. :)

Here, in the yellow pages, the dentists take out picture ads with Nitrous Oxide Available printed in all kinds of catchy fonts and colors. I really should have asked for it! I will, the next time. It's fun stuff. I've only ever had it in the form of whippets, but I imagine that a cool, steady stream of the stuff could only feel glorious. I am a big fan of disassociative anaesthetics. :D
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Nitrous is my friend

I love it. Tried to get a bottle to go, but the dentist wouldn't do it.

Teeth cleaned? Nitrous every time
Lit dental hygienist says: Always go with the nitrous for a cleaning! :D

*In my experience, you get a better cleaning, because we're not afraid of hurting you, LOL ;)*
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who likes nitrous with their cleanings. :) 1 mg of xanax relaxed me but it doesn't have the fun factor nitrous does.

I'm such a baby about the dentist, I swear, which is funny, since all I've ever really had to have done is cleanings and that one filling....didn't even need braces, or god forbid have to have a root canal. I think I'd need general for that.
Oh yes, MP, nitrous has a huge fun factor. It's euphoric. In my, ahem, less than angelic youth, I remember going to parties where a canister of the stuff was passed around. One of the boys passed out, fell off his chair and looked like he had a mini-seizure.

That was the last time I did it recreationally. :)
Mmmm, yes. It is reportedly also useful for inducing an environment for erotic asphyxiation, without the risk of crushing the windpipe or vascular structures. The euphoria of the nitrous, plus the fact that less oxygen is reaching the brain (through displacement) supposedly makes for very strong orgasms. I have never played with it this way, but it is certainly not something that I'd object to trying once or thrice. :D

Rubyfruit said:
Oh yes, MP, nitrous has a huge fun factor. It's euphoric. In my, ahem, less than angelic youth, I remember going to parties where a canister of the stuff was passed around. One of the boys passed out, fell off his chair and looked like he had a mini-seizure.

That was the last time I did it recreationally. :)
Rubyfruit said:
Oh yes, MP, nitrous has a huge fun factor. It's euphoric. In my, ahem, less than angelic youth, I remember going to parties where a canister of the stuff was passed around. One of the boys passed out, fell off his chair and looked like he had a mini-seizure.

That was the last time I did it recreationally. :)
"whip its" i believe they were known as
Damn, great fantasy fodder

A hot hygenist or female dentist gives me the nitrous, then has her way with me.

Anyone want to play? Uniform is a must.