I did a little drawing for AV's


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
I thought people would like.. a while back for another forum that is long since dead. but I never posted them

Here they are if anyone wants to use them
personally, i am huge fan of brittney spears early work... you know, before she sold out. I love her finger painting and maccaroni artwork.
QuickDuck said:
personally, i am huge fan of brittney spears early work... you know, before she sold out. I love her finger painting and maccaroni artwork.
that makes no sense to me.
I love your drawings, but I hate it that they are .pngs

What the hell is a .png, anyway?

I have to open my photo suite and drag it in and rename it before I can see it.

I'm lazy. I know this. But I just had to get the little rant off of my chest.
superlittlegirl said:
I love your drawings, but I hate it that they are .pngs

What the hell is a .png, anyway?

I have to open my photo suite and drag it in and rename it before I can see it.

I'm lazy. I know this. But I just had to get the little rant off of my chest.

png is portable network graphic
its a fairly new standard for graphics that is small and has error freecompression.
Aquila said:
png is portable network graphic
its a fairly new standard for graphics that is small and has error freecompression.

Oh, ok. Well, I'll get off my lazy ass and look at them, one of these days. Thanks for 'splaining, though. It makes me feel much less bitter.
superlittlegirl said:
Oh, ok. Well, I'll get off my lazy ass and look at them, one of these days. Thanks for 'splaining, though. It makes me feel much less bitter.
I can convert them to .gif if you want.
They are very good .... the last one was my fave :)

I'm lucky if I color within the lines *g*
Aquila said:
I can convert them to .gif if you want.

Aww, that's sweet, but I really wouldn't have you do that. Why would I ask you to go to all that trouble when all I have to do is drag and drop? I was just whingeing for the fun of it, really.

Thanks, though!
Pyper said:
*looks again*

Nope, sorry. Definitely sausages.
ok then its a sign for an evil sausage manufacturere butchererer type personage

Since I can't really draw at all...but have a love for art. I'm going to say that I could tell that it was a scorpion's tail in b5.
StrawberryPez said:
Since I can't really draw at all...but have a love for art. I'm going to say that I could tell that it was a scorpion's tail in b5.
You've got really pretty hair.
StrawberryPez said:
Since I can't really draw at all...but have a love for art. I'm going to say that I could tell that it was a scorpion's tail in b5.

I have a creative point of view.