I cracked my Olectranon!

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
That's the pointy bit of your elbow.
I blame my sheeps - Ralphy knocked me over. I should have had him slaughtered when he was prime, but I was sentimental and didn't.
If he was in the freezer this would not have happened!

So, half-cast and bandage for two weeks and then another x-ray.
That's the pointy bit of your elbow.
I blame my sheeps - Ralphy knocked me over. I should have had him slaughtered when he was prime, but I was sentimental and didn't.
If he was in the freezer this would not have happened!

So, half-cast and bandage for two weeks and then another x-ray.

The cute ex-pat South African doctor who treated me was hotasfuck!
I am high on painy's and slightly turned on - even in pain.
I smacked mine on the exposed corner of a bathroom wall some years ago, and long after the pain calmed down, I couldn't so much as rest it lightly on the padded console of my car. Just that slight touch hurt like a sumabitch! And it refused to heal.

Although it wasn't cracked or broken, I eventually had to go to PT for over a month where they iced it down and used ultrasound. Apparently one doesn't get much recuperative blood flow to the point of one's elbow.
I smacked mine on the exposed corner of a bathroom wall some years ago, and long after the pain calmed down, I couldn't so much as rest it lightly on the padded console of my car. Just that slight touch hurt like a sumabitch! And it refused to heal.

Although it wasn't cracked or broken, I eventually had to go to PT for over a month where they iced it down and used ultrasound. Apparently one doesn't get much recuperative blood flow to the point of one's elbow.

Yeah, the cute SA doctor told me that. He wants to see me in 2 weeks to see how it's healing.
I have been told to keep it totally immobilised with the cast till then - but I have already fucked that by chopping firewood.
At least you had a doctor cutie, heal up quick and follow directions. Is it the pot for Ralph?
At least you had a doctor cutie, heal up quick and follow directions. Is it the pot for Ralph?

Ralphie was supposed to be in the freezer by nw, but got worms and had to be drenched which set him back 6 weeks.
I've decided I hate him now.
What sorta breed of sheep is Ralphie? I'm experimenting with some 120 Dorpers at the moment. They are South African/Persian crosses - big lamb/mutton sheep, and you don't have to shear them.

They are good eating.
In future threads, perhaps list the bones you have not broken rather than the ones you have. . . it might save time.

Thank you.
Why did the spelling of Ralphy/ie's name change? In, what, 3 posts? For fuck's sake, keep it together for at least 5 posts.
That's the pointy bit of your elbow.
I blame my sheeps - Ralphy knocked me over. I should have had him slaughtered when he was prime, but I was sentimental and didn't.
If he was in the freezer this would not have happened!

So, half-cast and bandage for two weeks and then another x-ray.

You should brace yourself more securely... as not to let Ralphy knock you over while in that position.

Just sayin'
Good thing he didn't have his Red Ryder with him, he could have shot your eye out.
Olecranon. Sorry it hurts.

Olectranon sounds like a cyborg. Movie in the works.
Why did the spelling of Ralphy/ie's name change? In, what, 3 posts? For fuck's sake, keep it together for at least 5 posts.

Wtf is your problem?
It's a aheep.
Who cares? He has a purple tag, ans he's a bully.

I need meat in my freezer, not a broken elbow!
Good luck with your healing WQ.. I did that two years ago, healed quickly and well, but then after a year it started aching after exercise and stiffening up - eventually found too much bone made in the healing process and had to have it shaved down. Nice thought for you lol
Olectranon should be the name of a Swedish vibrator sex toy.
You're right - it's called the elecranon. I mis-heard it when the doc said it.
Must have been his funky accent!

It's swollen as Fuck this morning. I'm allowed to take the half cast off for a shower, but then have to put it on again. Can't straighten or fully bend my arm so my shower will be interesting!