I can't find my glasses


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
And therefore I couldn't get a really good look at Gwen's belly button.

Anyone know where I put them?
QuickDuck said:
check on top of your head

I did. Now that I'm completely bald they can't hide there. I hope I didn't leave them at a store or something.
luckily i am not one of those people who say "well where did you last have them?".

hell if you knew that, then they wouldn;t be lost
My favorite place to lose my glasses at, is on the side of my bed, where they inevitably get a pillow tossed onto them in the middle of the night.

Didja check on top of the cpu monitor?
I don't wear them all the time. Usually when I drive or watch TV. I've checked all around the house and in the car. I'm afraid I took them off somewhere when I was running errands on Friday and left them there.
What I'm most afraid of is that perhaps they fell into the garbage.
Dillinger said:
I did. Now that I'm completely bald they can't hide there. I hope I didn't leave them at a store or something.

The flaming "Dilly" logo incinerated them.
morninggirl5 said:
Wouldn't you have noticed not having them driving home after your errands?

Not necessarily. My eyesight isn't that bad... its just better with glasses.
They're distance glasses not reading glasses. So they're usually near where I sit to watch TV or in the car. Though sometimes I have them on when I go upstairs or something and I take them o to do something and leave them there.

But I've looked everywhere...

Maybe I left them in my office on Friday.
Dillinger said:
What I'm most afraid of is that perhaps they fell into the garbage.

I can relate. I think that is what happened to my engagement ring. Hmm....wonder if that is an omen? Well, we've been married for almost 19 years, so maybe I'm safe. Of course, I only lost the ring about 4 years ago.....
As I hate these open-ended threads...

Did you find them Dilly?

Pray to St. Anthony. If you're inclined, of course. Always works for me.

Unfortunately no - I haven't found them yet. So I'm headed out to retrace my steps in a bit and see if they turn up.
Check with the redhead that you met for a lunchtime quickie on Friday. ;) Betcha she has em.
Ginko Biloba, old man.


Look under yo bed. And then look by the lube. I betcha you'll find them.

I spent 3 days searching for them - in my house, my car - everywhere I could think of. Today I decided to drive to my office to see if I had left them there on Friday. So I'm all ready to go - I reach into my briefcase to get my badge (can't get into the building without it) and when I pull it out, there are my glasses attached to the neck strap. *lol*