I can keep silent no longer!

modest mouse

Meating People is Easy
Oct 21, 2001
Naval piercings on women are not attractive.

I love a womans stomack, the center of her curves and femininity. To touch and kiss and generally enjoy as part of her. The ring/bar there is such a turn off. I have yet to get over that, and probably will not.

All other piercings are fine by me.

(And tattoos on the breasts are hideous as well.)
modest mouse said:
Naval piercings on women are not attractive.

I love a womans stomack, the center of her curves and femininity. To touch and kiss and generally enjoy as part of her. The ring/bar there is such a turn off. I have yet to get over that, and probably will not.

All other piercings are fine by me.

(And tattoos on the breasts are hideous as well.)

Well shit, and I did mine just for you. :)
modest mouse said:
Naval piercings on women are not attractive.

I love a womans stomack, the center of her curves and femininity. To touch and kiss and generally enjoy as part of her. The ring/bar there is such a turn off. I have yet to get over that, and probably will not.

All other piercings are fine by me.

(And tattoos on the breasts are hideous as well.)

1. Spelling buddy sez: Stomach

2. What about tats on a woman's outter thigh?
modest mouse said:
Naval piercings on women are not attractive.

I love a womans stomack, the center of her curves and femininity. To touch and kiss and generally enjoy as part of her. The ring/bar there is such a turn off. I have yet to get over that, and probably will not.

All other piercings are fine by me.

(And tattoos on the breasts are hideous as well.)

I think you mean navel piercings.

Naval piercings would be like belly rings on guided missile cruisers.
lavender said:
Is this your way of telling me to get a naval piercing? You really have odd tactics.

No, but I think he wants you to get a tattoo of your av on your butt.

modest mouse said:
Naval piercings on women are not attractive.

I love a womans stomack, the center of her curves and femininity. To touch and kiss and generally enjoy as part of her. The ring/bar there is such a turn off. I have yet to get over that, and probably will not.

All other piercings are fine by me.

(And tattoos on the breasts are hideous as well.)

to each his own. i personaly love a woman with ink an pierceings.
but who couldnt guess i would say that?
PC shutup, unles you are channeling Spelling buddy. Where is my fucking smilie?


Muffy, outer thigh can work. Of course I would have to see it ina somewhat larger context to give you a properly formed opinion.
Love Tatt's & piercings......

Within moderation.....

All can be sexy,

Even have a few myself......

I remain,
modest mouse said:
Freya, nothing but my taste. Thanks for the effort though.

All that pain and trouble for nothing. :)

I actually like navel piercings on women - if they have a nice stomach, that is. It's the facial ones that get me...eyebrows, lips, chin...ouch.
Even If I Had A Cherry Instead Of The Little Ball

And The Word "Fuck" Written Really Small Under My Right Breast, Then The Word " Me" Under My Left Breast!!!?
My specific distaste is only with navel piercings.

RNAB, you tempy me but only because you are canadian do i show such resistance.
modest mouse said:
PC shutup, unles you are channeling Spelling buddy. Where is my fucking smilie?


Muffy, outer thigh can work. Of course I would have to see it ina somewhat larger context to give you a properly formed opinion.

So my dream of you someday throwing over your lawyer and challenging the StudMuffin to a duel for my maidenly honor isn't washed away by my tat.


Maybe you should, because my first thought was "what an Idiot", but then I noted that I'm still a newbie.

So I decided to keep quiet.

Re: Re: I can keep silent no longer!

Backyard sweaty said:
Maybe you should, because my first thought was "what an Idiot", but then I noted that I'm still a newbie.

So I decided to keep quiet.


Good to see you back here! It's been a while - or I've jsut missed your posts lately!

Howdy! :rose:
modest mouse said:
Naval piercings on women are not attractive.

I love a womans stomack, the center of her curves and femininity. To touch and kiss and generally enjoy as part of her. The ring/bar there is such a turn off. I have yet to get over that, and probably will not.

All other piercings are fine by me.

(And tattoos on the breasts are hideous as well.)

AMEN!! noone should be tattooing a breast.

its tacky. sorry if you have one :)
Re: Even If I Had A Cherry Instead Of The Little Ball

RudeNastyAssBitch said:
And The Word "Fuck" Written Really Small Under My Right Breast, Then The Word " Me" Under My Left Breast!!!?

its cool if its not on the breast.
Re: Re: Re: I can keep silent no longer!

SpiceCake said:
Good to see you back here! It's been a while - or I've jsut missed your posts lately!

Howdy! :rose:

Hi SC, you just never notice me following you around.

Course I also try to keep quiet, I keep myself out of "trouble" that way.

How are you?
modest mouse said:

(And tattoos on the breasts are hideous as well.)

I must agree with you on this tid bit. I do not find it attractive at all. And, the worst part is that its usually a tattoo of a rose or some thing along those lines.

Yes, I know we all have different tastes and to each his own but that tattoo on the breast is tired and old... not to mention saggy when gravity kicks in ! ....

*Disclaimer * This is solely my opinion and my opinion is not the law.. * :)

So all you breast tattooed women .. rock on ! :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: I can keep silent no longer!

Backyard sweaty said:
Hi SC, you just never notice me following you around.

Course I also try to keep quiet, I keep myself out of "trouble" that way.

How are you?

I'm great! I guess I'll have to change my policy of "never look back" LOL :kiss: