I call for a vote!

There is no corrilation between votes and content when votes are made for reasons other than content, and often they are.

Personally, I'd rather a grassroots move to have votes removed altogether.

to vote or not to vote

Do the votes have a purpose?
Being new, I am just happy to see that people are viewing, and to get an occasional feedback from those wanting to comment on style or content.
Should we not push for more feedback, rather than votes?

I completely agree. If I have good or constructive things to say about a poem, I send feedback. I frequently don't get acknowledgement for my feedback, but I know it is appreciated more than a vote. I, for one, have never looked at how my poetry is doing, vote-wise.

I have only ever received one feedback on my poetry (Thanks, Angeline!), but I would love to know other's feelings on them...even if it a simple "that sucks" or "I liked it."

Anyhow, I promise to send more feedback.

Thanks to all poets for writing and sharing a piece of your soul.

voting patterns

I've got a fair amount of poetry here, so I've been checking my poems to see if there is any pattern with voting (at least for my stuff). I found something interesting: One of my poems has been viewed 57 times and absolutely NO ONE has voted! This is very strange. Not that I get many votes. I also found that people were less likely to vote if they "didn't understand" my poems. Often the title seems to attract or repel viewings and votes. For example, the stranger my titles are, the more people tend to look at them (and hence vote). The exception to this would be "David Bowie's Sex Appeal" -- people are avoiding it like the plague. But then, I've never met anyone who is neutral about Bowie :) Still, out of about 40 some poems that I have here, the pattern seems to be that I get 2 votes out of every 20 views (rough estimate). It also seems that when people like my poems they are more inclined to vote. I think the unspoken rule is if you don't like it, it's better not to vote at all (unless you really think it sucks). My votes tend to reflect that.
Re: voting patterns

Xtaabay said:
I've got a fair amount of poetry here, so I've been checking my poems to see if there is any pattern with voting (at least for my stuff). I found something interesting: One of my poems has been viewed 57 times and absolutely NO ONE has voted!
I love trivia! I should write me a perl program to assist me in collecting them and analyzing. Anyway, here is a list of "reads" (views) and dates of posting my thirty poems which have not a single vote (twenty of them have more than a hundred views each):
  • 38 ** 10-26
  • 130 ** 09-19
  • 130 ** 06-07
  • 198 ** 05-16
  • 50 ** 11-12
  • 143 ** 05-15
  • 42 ** 11-16
  • 63 ** 11-09
  • 66 ** 09-19
  • 50 ** 10-26
  • 133 ** 05-27
  • 141 ** 05-27
  • 145 ** 05-27
  • 90 ** 09-20
  • 57 ** 08-26
  • 127 ** 06-18
  • 144 ** 05-15
  • 126 ** 06-07
  • 61 ** 08-26
  • 136 ** 05-16
  • 149 ** 05-14
  • 144 ** 05-16
  • 145 ** 05-24
  • 54 ** 11-16
  • 135 ** 05-24
  • 138 ** 05-24
  • 153 ** 05-24
  • 195 ** 05-15
  • 152 ** 05-16
  • 166 ** 06-18
[...]the more people tend to look at them (and hence vote).
I don't know. The table above doesn't support you much. My poems which have the most "reads" have not too many votes--here is the table :) :
  • 2410 ** 05-17 ==> 7 votes
  • 1787 ** 05-16 ==> 3 votes
  • 825 ** 05-14 ==> 1 vote
  • 765 ** 05-27 ==> 3 votes
  • 583 ** 05-26 ==> 2 votes
  • 575 ** 05-26 ==> 1 vote
  • 546 ** 06-18 ==> 1 vote
[...] out of about 40 some poems that I have here, the pattern seems to be that I get 2 votes out of every 20 views (rough estimate).
You get this impression because you are still relatively new to Literotica. Poems are getting voted mostly during the their first two days after being posted. Judo's estimate 1 vote per 100 views ("reads") seems to be about right.
It also seems that when people like my poems they are more inclined to vote. I think the unspoken rule is if you don't like it, it's better not to vote at all (unless you really think it sucks). My votes tend to reflect that.
You are a kind and nice person. :) You should know that Literotica has a funny computer program (secret algorithm :) ) which removes votes which it considers to be a "fraud". It's silly like the voting itself. The result is that quite a number of votes are removed. This program removes rather the low votes (somehow there is a correlation between the low votes and what the program considers to be "fraud"). At least overall my averages rather gained, I think, due to this program, even if I had several 5s removed too. Votes by members of this board were removed as "fraud" too.

And still, even with the assist and protection from our electronic Literotica friend, I can't say in my case that people tend to vote more when they like a poem, while it may be true in your case. I had one poem voted 7 times, one 6 times, five were voted 4 times, and 21 -- 3 times. The average vote for those which were voted 4 or more times are:
  • 7 ==> 3.71
  • 6 ==> 2.83
  • 4 ==> 4.25 (also 1 vote 5.00 under a diff. title)
  • 4 ==> 4.50
  • 4 ==> 3.50
  • 4 ==> 4.50
  • 4 ==> 2.75
On the other hand, of my 27 posts which scored average perfect 5.00, twenty one were voted on only once, four were voted on twice, and two -- three times.

In the range 4.00 to 4.99 I have 46 posts (of which 30 have average exactly 4.00). 18 of them were voted on only once, 21 -- twice, 4 -- three times, and 3 -- four times.

I have something like 170 poetry posts, hence you can see that my averages are not too high (but they serve their purpose as a trivia item). I am sure that Angeline, Judo, Wicked Eve and yourself have much more impressive scores. Hm, Wicked Eve has removed a bunch of her poems with the highest voting scores, so I am not sure how is she faring these days :).

Best regards,
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Re: to vote or not to vote

silken_dreammaid said:
Do the votes have a purpose?
Being new, I am just happy to see that people are viewing, and to get an occasional feedback from those wanting to comment on style or content.
Should we not push for more feedback, rather than votes?
Votes are fun but I agree that we should push for more feedback. I have about 98% of my voting turned off and I get more feedback now. Nothing beats hearing from a reader.
Well, I'll tell you. This is my highest rated poem. It has 154 views and a rating of 4.88 (!). Thankfully, it has only 8 votes or I would have to bomb it to get it off the toplist. Believe it or not, I asked one of my poems to be voted a one to get it off the toplist because it sucked. Someone (thank you, whoever-you-are) obliged and it sank to relative oblivion.

I think you can get an idea of what I think of the toplist and the vote tallies by this tale.

Feedback would help some of the poets here, but I think that for many it is a waste of time as they are just poor, misunderstood geniuses.