I blame Vilac


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
West Wing wasn't on again this week, you bastard.
Eumenides said:
No, he's Ed, DUH!

I'm sorry, ruffles. But at least he's tall.

<grin> well, that does count for something in dreamland.:D
Yeah - and I blame him for all the overtime I'm putting in at work!
And that the Dead zone wasnt on here again.

I swear Ed's taking over by default
Dillinger said:
Yeah - and I blame him for all the overtime I'm putting in at work!

and keanu's bad acting

hiya dillypop, I've got a golden apple toooooooo!
I blame Vilac for Starblayde thinking that Keanu has EVER been cool.
Eumenides said:
I blame Vilac for Starblayde thinking that Keanu has EVER been cool.

He must have been whispering that in my ear when I was about 11 and the first Bill and Ted movie came out :D
Whoaaaaaaaaaaah nelly.

Now...the whole West Wing thing just pisses me off. I had turned down a "date" to go out...and then it's not on? Please.

I was sure it was Perk's fault.

As far as the cold goes....and world hunger.....I'm not taking the fall for that stuff.

I did piss on the lettuce, however...just fyi.

AND...if that's not bad enough...they are moving Ed to Friday nights?! What the hell is with that?!

If I was the head of NBC..I'd be kicking some ass.

Yeah. Watch it again now that you're more mature. He's so not cool.
The mere fact that Keanu gets such large sums of money for what he considers "Acting" is just testiment for the amazing ignorance of his "fans" in general.

I'll only take the fall for Mr. Reeves if I can punch him in the face a couple of times.

Have his people call my people and set it up.
Vilac said:
I'll only take the fall for Mr. Reeves if I can punch him in the face a couple of times.

Hell, even I'd like to smack him, but being in the Matrix is his single redeeming feature