I apologize about my threads.


Loves Spam
May 18, 2023
I realized I've gone too far with them.

Looking back on my life last night, I realized I've always been a defeatist.

I didn't go to college, despite my excellent grades at school, because I had been convinced by myself that I'd fail. I never made friends and I was rude to everyone in real life, because I had been convinced by myself that nobody would like me. I quit my attempts to write a story because I had convinced myself that whatever names I choose for my characters would be laughable.

And now, here I am, in my 37, a lonely failure of an asshole. Is it too late to change my life now? Probably. But in any case, I request my threads be deleted, because I overdid it and got on everyone's nerves.
Against my better instincts, I am going to post this.

Nobody cares about your personal circumstances, beyond maybe a touch of ephemeral sympathy. Nobody cares who you are. The personality you've shown here an attention-hungry emotional vampire who invents excuse after excuse as to why he/she can't do anything.

We don't care. We can't help you. We can't change you. We are not a personal fan club. We are not a support forum for people who do not actually need the support.

Any change that happens is going to have to come from within you.

Log off the forum and go and do something positive with your day. Speak to a priest or a psychiatrist. Work at a soup kitchen. Volunteer to read to the blind. Sweep the floors of an animal shelter.

Or don't.

Please, don't respond. Just log off and go and do something else. Do something - ANYTHING! - other than posting this self-flagellating rubbish here.

Please. Just stop. Just stop.

Or don't.

Either way, I'm done. Others may chime in, but I've got better things to do than to try help those who will not be helped.
Even Charlie Brown tried to kick the football.

So your life sucks... I would have some sympathy as somebody else who's life sucks-- but you're fucking annoying, dawg. Every time I check my stats on the various websites I publish on, I ask myself why do I even keep writing, but I still keep writing anyway, my ass is still writing shit to try and make money off of, at that, despite the lackluster results of all my free shit. My biggest writing success is this site and that's really not saying much.

If you wanna write, then shut the fuck up and write the damn thing. If it's for here, nobody's gonna give a fuck about the names. Who the fuck are you writing it for, Literotica or your damn beta reader?

Stop making excuses. I literally don't wanna be here anymore, and I don't mean on Lit, I mean this plane of existance... yet here I am still trying. I swear to the gods, you're more annoying than the trolls we get. I would rather be dealing with fuck-his-face, that was banned in august, than this shit. I use reddit and twitter and this farce of yours is less tollerable. Go the fuck on somewhere and don't come back until you've fucking written something that's a fictional story.
I realized I've gone too far with them.

Looking back on my life last night, I realized I've always been a defeatist.

I didn't go to college, despite my excellent grades at school, because I had been convinced by myself that I'd fail. I never made friends and I was rude to everyone in real life, because I had been convinced by myself that nobody would like me. I quit my attempts to write a story because I had convinced myself that whatever names I choose for my characters would be laughable.

And now, here I am, in my 37, a lonely failure of an asshole. Is it too late to change my life now? Probably. But in any case, I request my threads be deleted, because I overdid it and got on everyone's nerves.
Stop complaining. Stop whining. Stop seeking reassurances and sympathy and support.

If you want to write, write.

If you don't think you can write, then shut the hell up.

Look: a lot of people here genuinely struggle with the stuff you brought up. And that makes a lot of us sympathetic, in the abstract. And that, in turn, seems calculated, on your part; you seem to want sympathy. You seem to want us to tell you it's ok to give up.

You seem to want to avoid putting the effort of writing in, but you also want us (those who actually try, and struggle, and fight with what you just fucking avoid) to feel bad for you.

I'm empathetic, and I want to care about others! But your situation seems so disingenuous that I can't take you seriously.

Just cut it the fuck out. Again: if you want to write, write. Seek help if you want! We'll help.

If you don't feel up to it, shut up. Why in the fuck should anyone feel bad for you, if you give up so easily where a lot of us struggle?

Your complaints are hollow and unconvincing. I don't really believe you, frankly. And this angers you! Maybe because I see through you, and my posts undermine your search for sympathy and coddling and an easy path.

So prove me wrong. Be either a) a writer, or b) a reader. There are a lot of readers here! It's ok not to write. But to not write, and to seek constant reassurances that you couldn't write (for flimsy and specious reasons) isn't what most of us care to play along with.
No need to apologize!

So I searched through your recent posts (not comments, OP's), and only half are self pitying. The others are technical writers' type ideas. But even if all were self-pitying, why care I'd say post away. The previous commenters here are right. Nobody really cares, but I say that with the intention of being reassuring, not in the mean-spirited way of the previous commenters. One of the nice things about online forums is the total anonymity. And if people find you annoying, they don't have to open your posts. And now and again you may get a comment that's wise or comforting.

I really don't get the people who like to dump on others in online message boards.

P.S. As for me, I didn't recognize your user name, so you haven't come close to annoying me.
No need to apologize!

So I searched through your recent posts (not comments, OP's), and only half are self pitying. The others are technical writers' type ideas. But even if all were self-pitying, why care I'd say post away. The previous commenters here are right. Nobody really cares, but I say that with the intention of being reassuring, not in the mean-spirited way of the previous commenters. One of the nice things about online forums is the total anonymity. And if people find you annoying, they don't have to open your posts. And now and again you may get a comment that's wise or comforting.

I really don't get the people who like to dump on others in online message boards.

P.S. As for me, I didn't recognize your user name, so you haven't come close to annoying me.
Some of the comments have been harsh, but he's been at this for a while now - I think since the summer - with multiple threads he's started. It seems like there's been a half-dozen of them at least. People have tried to give him advice, but he's not acknowledged any of it that I have seen.

I admit, my own experience with "mental heath care" is that at that the majority of it is not very effective. You can't get a whole new personality; you have to work around whatever you've got. Ultimately the individual has to do it by themselves. I'm going to be 69 next year, so I think I know some truths by this time.

Maybe John should read some Arthur Schopenhauer.
For goodness sake, just pick some names and upload the story, if it exists. No-one cares about the names of characters, they're just handles. I've just started a story about two people on a yacht - Jessica and Tony. Why Jessica and Tony? I've no idea, they're just random names. Stephanie and Ryan would work just as well.

This is the Author's Hangout. Write or go and join a forum that discusses rose pruning.
For goodness sake, just pick some names and upload the story, if it exists. No-one cares about the names of characters, they're just handles. I've just started a story about two people on a yacht - Jessica and Tony. Why Jessica and Tony? I've no idea, they're just random names. Stephanie and Ryan would work just as well.

This is the Author's Hangout. Write or go and join a forum that discusses rose pruning.
Let's get him started.

It was a dark and stormy night...

That's another Peanuts reference.
I request my threads be deleted
I don't think there's anyone to satisfy this request for you. You're free to delete the contents of your posts or change the titles of your threads to "." yourself. The threads are here to stay unless they egregriously violate Literotica's TOS.
I realized I've gone too far with them.

Looking back on my life last night, I realized I've always been a defeatist.

I didn't go to college, despite my excellent grades at school, because I had been convinced by myself that I'd fail. I never made friends and I was rude to everyone in real life, because I had been convinced by myself that nobody would like me. I quit my attempts to write a story because I had convinced myself that whatever names I choose for my characters would be laughable.

And now, here I am, in my 37, a lonely failure of an asshole. Is it too late to change my life now? Probably. But in any case, I request my threads be deleted, because I overdid it and got on everyone's nerves.

I knew a lady who dropped out of school at 15, got married and had four kids, lived the housewife life until her 40s, but felt like she could be doing more. She finished her high-school equivalent, went on to university, got herself a Masters and wrote a book that got picked up for publication as a professional reference text. Change is possible at any age.

But you may need help overcoming that defeatism, and that's something you're more likely to get from a professional counsellor than from an internet discussion board. (Or at least from this one.)
I don't think there's anyone to satisfy this request for you. You're free to delete the contents of your posts or change the titles of your threads to "." yourself. The threads are here to stay unless they egregriously violate Literotica's TOS.
Don't worry, if he just stops posting, they will disappear down into the hundreds of thousands of other posts that have been put here over the years and then forgotten.
I knew a lady who dropped out of school at 15, got married and had four kids, lived the housewife life until her 40s, but felt like she could be doing more. She finished her high-school equivalent, went on to university, got herself a Masters and wrote a book that got picked up for publication as a professional reference text. Change is possible at any age.

But you may need help overcoming that defeatism, and that's something you're more likely to get from a professional counsellor than from an internet discussion board. (Or at least from this one.)
No offense, but I don't believe your "lady" exists. People like me have burned their chances.
No offense, but I don't believe your "lady" exists.

Well, not any more; that's why I said "knew" and not "know". She'd be well over a hundred if she was still alive.

People like me have burned their chances.
No offense, but I believe you're working harder to make excuses for staying in your hole than you'd need to work to climb out of it.
Is it a beer can?
How am I going to relate this to John, who has two threads going at once and still replies to them? Anyway, I can't read the label. Maybe the photographer put it there for a size comparison, or maybe just as a joke. If John ever gets a big headstone for his grave, it won't be because of his writing.
I dunno. One of my beta readers thought it sounded a bit foreign and now the whole of the story is ruined. There just aren't any suitable names for whale-hunters. I'm giving up.
Then you also have to name the ship, the whale, the Captain, the other crew members, the town the ship leaves from (a real one would be good) - that is a lot of work.
How am I going to relate this to John, who has two threads going at once and still replies to them? Anyway, I can't read the label. Maybe the photographer put it there for a size comparison, or maybe just as a joke. If John ever gets a big headstone for his grave, it won't be because of his writing.
I thought you took the pic, my bad.