I am wearing ass-pants today.


Mar 12, 2002
And my booty looks really good in them. They're black, and not too tight, but tight enough to accentuate my bottom. *grin* I love these pants.
and I've discovered that, if I sit up straight in my chair, and I gently rock side-to-side (even almost imperceptably), the seam runs gently over my clit, tittilating me nicely.

are you talking about naked butt jeans? ones that dont have any pockets on the back?
vixenshe said:
and I've discovered that, if I sit up straight in my chair, and I gently rock side-to-side (even almost imperceptably), the seam runs gently over my clit, tittilating me nicely.

Oh Lordy!!! *Wiping brow*

ljmo said:
are you talking about naked butt jeans? ones that dont have any pockets on the back?

Or, better yet, the ones that don't have a back at all. Although it seems those are restricted to Prince, Cher, and, presumably, all other one-named people.

Wait - vixenshe is one name...
vixenshe said:
and I've discovered that, if I sit up straight in my chair, and I gently rock side-to-side (even almost imperceptably), the seam runs gently over my clit, tittilating me nicely.

Okay, that's it. I love you and your lovely pants too :heart:
Honey unless they are made of reinforced steel nothing could make your ass look good.

It has to be less than 72 inches around.

RegisteredTroll said:
Honey unless they are made of reinforced steel nothing could make your ass look good.

It has to be less than 72 inches around.

No. You don't have the bite of unregistered trolls.
I had a pair like that. They're [acked in a box somewhere. I may even find them when I unpack!

ljmo said:
are you talking about naked butt jeans? ones that dont have any pockets on the back?

*grin* No, they're black, and some sort of nylon, and they just look great.
nope, no camel toe.. they fit me quite nicely.. looser in the front, and nice and tight in the back (my ass is disproportionately large, so it fills my pants better than the rest of me does).
This thread is incredibly fascinating. No, seriously. I could almost write a dissertation.
It's like this huge tribe of humanity flocking together to this really funky humanity thing. Part of it is conscious effort but most of it is sooo this transparent instinct that guides and preserves the species in ways that guarantee diversity of the gene pool.

A female puts up some tidbit of sexually attractive information, then interested males flock in, displaying appreciation and vying for attention. Other females notice this and they flock in as well. Only they display either passive~agression or appreciation depending upon their sexual desires. It's like totally textbook and so totally predictable. Social interactions of this sort always go the same way with varying degrees of success on the female's part depending on the female's rank in the social heirarchy.

I've noticed that the same doesn't hold true with males who do similar threads. They put up threads designed to be sexually titillating and other males immediately zoom in with aggression. You can almost see social heirarchy at work in those instances. Females will show appreciation for sexual information, though not the extent that males will show females who do the same thing.

It holds true here that a female can make any sexual overtures she likes and will generally receive a lot of validation for her sexuality. A male cannot do that. His sexual overtures are often rebuffed or attacked, depending on his social status. Lower-status females don't generally see a lot aggression toward their sexual displays whereas lower-status males won't even net an appreciative comment from females.

It's like Mutual of Omaha's Porno Kingdom. After finals, I sent a link to this place to my sociology professor. He went straight for the ampic forum and hasn't been heard from since.