I am twixt a rock and a hard place...

damn your luck, I stopped being naughty last weekend. Boy did I catch hell for that!
so wait, you're saying there is no rock and there is no hard place, just a wet expanse of kitty?

poor beastie.
*bratcat* said:
yeppp...wanna nibble my ass yet???
beastie, I told you, I'm a big girl, with a large appetite, your scrawny chicken ass is merely an appetizer.

put up that other one.

<I'm gonna have you posting that in every thread>
*bratcat* said:
Can't be done, my saucy duck...Lit only allows you to post it in one thread and I am too lazy to search for it.

Well...if you won't bite my scrawny behind...why don't you at least PM me your phone number so I can hear you quack?
remember how long it took TWB to get me to take him off block? Think longer than that...

post ittttttttt, post ittttttttttt.

and Gladiator,

don't be afraid, sugah.
Re: Let's make a deal...

*bratcat* said:
I will post that picture wherever you want it...IF you send me your phone number...and actually answer when I call.

pfffffffffffft!!! I'll just look at it here.:p

Why is it when you want to play no one else is around?